
The feature allows customers to update their unconfirmed train tickets to decide on a new booking by flight, taxi, bus or other train journey for a later date.
Make My Trip offers ‘Trip Guarantee’.
The online travel platform Make My Trip has introduced a Travel Guarantee feature to help passengers discover and book alternative travel and last-minute financing options at times when the train ticket is not confirmed before ticket issuance.
The feature allows customers to update their unconfirmed train tickets to decide on a new booking by flight, taxi, bus or other train journey for a later date.
Parikshit Choudhary, commercial director of ground transportation at Make My Trip, said customers are looking for travel options that will ensure a successful trip amid changing travel policies during the pandemic. The travel guarantee is one of these measures to protect customers from the uncertainties associated with waiting list train reservations.
The biggest differentiator of this new feature is the 3x Refund policy, which protects the customers from sudden price increases, if they change their trip via an alternative mode of transport such as flights, taxis, etc. Overall, the new product offerings aim to ensure total safety for the rail customers.