
A Travel Checklist For a Gadget Geek
Gadgets take much of the bore out of traveling. Sitting for hours on a long plane flight isn’t as mind-numbing when you bring some technology. Gadgets are good for children and adults.
Having a few gadgets while traveling keeps the mind engaged, and the boring part of the trip doesn’t seem so long. If you are looking for a holiday home swap visit
Gadget for iPod
The iPod is a device used for audio and video. More expensive iPods play short movies, but the gadget is mostly used as a music player. Depending on the model, the iPod holds hundreds of MP3 files for hours of playtime. When packing an iPod for travel, ensure you’ve not forgotten the power cable.
On long trips, the iPod will only last approximately a day. A USB cable and power adapter are included with the device to recharge the battery. If you bring a laptop, it’s a perfect source for an iPod battery recharge.
Sony PSP or Nintendo DS Gadgets
Both these gadgets are portable video game devices. Sony PSP and Nintendo DS devices can keep you busy throughout the entire trip. Nintendo DS is great for puzzles and mind teasers. Nintendo provides memory games and puzzles that are suitable for older gamers.
Sony PSP is the best portable video game device for action games. Make sure you pack plenty of games to keep you busy, especially when the trip is long. The PSP can also play multiplayer video games. This option is ideal for parents with multiple children or a group of friends who all own the device.
The iPhone has hundreds of games and software to download from the application store. Although gaming on the iPhone isn’t as streamlined and convenient as the PSP and DS, the iPhone offers games that you can’t find on other portable video game players. The iPhone also masquerades as an iPod.
It plays music and holds several gigabytes of MP3 files. What makes the iPhone most beneficial is its large screen for web browsing. You can use the iPhone to retrieve email and read your favorite online forum while traveling.
Digital Camera One of the best travel Gadget
A digital camera is a gadget requirement for any trip. Gadget geeks who like crisp images aren’t satisfied with blurry cell phone pictures. A digital camera can also be used as a mini storage device. When bringing a digital camera on a trip, don’t forget the adapter that charges the device.
Digital camera batteries don’t last very long when the device is used often. If you carry a laptop with you on the trip, bring the USB cable that connects the camera to the computer. It’s a great way to upload pictures and create an image archive of the trip.
Amazon Kindle
The Kindle is a product for digital books. Some print companies offer Kindle versions of books, which provide a digital version of any traveler’s favorite novel. The Kindle is bought directly from Amazon, and you can download books as you finish each novel.
The Kindle is great for long plane flights since wireless phones like the iPhone are required to be powered off. It’s also easier to travel with a Kindle because it is lightweight and doesn’t take as much space in a suitcase.
The advantage of each of these items is the amount of time each device consumes. A long, tiresome plane or car ride using these gadgets eliminates much of the boredom
The disadvantage of these gadgets
The disadvantage of these gadgets is the price tag. Most of them cost several hundred dollars, so the average traveler can only afford one. Although they are expensive, just one of these gadgets will rid you of travel boredom.
Another interesting gadget is LG’s latest addition to its list of smartphones. It might not be the best competitor for the latest iPhone nor the rumored Samsung Galaxy S3. But the LG Optimus Elite is built for eco-friendly and budget-tight users. The phone’s most notable feature is that it’s only sold for $29.99 for a two-year contract. And comes with the low price are also the not-so-favorable specs that consumers will get with the Optimus Elite.
It has a 3.5 in. touchscreen with a low resolution of 480 x 320. It runs on an older Android 2.3 mobile OS, an 800 MHz single-core processor, NFC, and a 5MP camera. But it could still be a good steal if you don’t want to shell out large amounts just for these latest technology gadgets.