
If you're reading this, my guess is that you're an HVAC mechanic with a keen interest in learning about the various hvac formulas. Well, I have great news for you -- there are tons of excellent websites that can help you learn about these formulas!
Hvac formulas
When it comes to HVAC calculations, there is no substitute for experience. However, certain formulas can be used to estimate the heating and cooling potential of a space. Here are some examples of formulas commonly used by HVAC contractors:
Cooling Load
The cooling load formula estimates the amount of energy needed to cool an area. This is especially useful when considering the addition of a new HVAC unit to a building or when replacing an existing unit. The calculation requires knowing the cubic footage of the area being cooled and several other factors that account for everything from insulation types to window type and size. The formula accounts for these variables by assigning them different weights, which results in an energy requirement that can be satisfied by a specific size HVAC unit.
Heating Load
This basic hvac formula functions similarly to the cooling load formula, but it accounts for the amount of heat required. Since heating requirements vary based on location and climate, this formula must be customized for individual installations. However, many general rules apply, such as requiring higher levels of heat during winter months than summer months and requiring more heat at night than during the day.
If you are looking for quick guide of basic hvac formulas, visit
Complete guide of basic HVAC formulas in Excel by