How can I cancel my Norton subscription?
How can I cancel my Norton subscription?
Willing to cancel your annual renewal with Norton subscription and do not know how to do it. If you want to know how do I contact Norton to cancel my subscription, visit our blog and get an easy-to-do it quickly.

If you do not favor using the Norton subscription anymore, you may cancel the services yourself, too. Here are the steps to do it:-

  • Reach the website of Norton by web link.
  • Log in to your subscription account.
  • On the homepage, click on the “My Account” icon to get the advanced options related to your Norton account.
  • Now, tap on “Cancel subscriptions,” and check the services you are using, select the one you wish to cancel.
  • Confirm the “Cancel subscription,” and you will be notified that you have canceled an ongoing service.

Can I contact Norton to cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel the Norton subscription through its support service. Calls, online chat, and a contact form operate the support facility.

How do I claim a refund from Norton?

To claim a refund, you should know How do I contact Norton to cancel my subscription and get a refund. Check the process for better understanding:-


  • Make a call on 1800 100 7601, and listen to the words to IVR.
  • Choose a number to claim for the refunds after cancellation.
  • Connect the call with a representative and claim your refund.


  • When you reach the Norton webpage, you may click on the “Contact us” tab.
  • On the contact page, tap on the “Chat” icon.
  • Send a message to Norton related to the refunds you wish to claim.


Norton provides one of the best antivirus services for your PC protection through various subscriptions but also allows you to cancel them anytime you wish.