
Blogger is a choice of profession or activity that shows that he is a human learner. Someone who has decided to become a blogger must understand that he has to learn a lot of things before making that decision. At least learn how to move from a free blog to a blog with your own domain, then decide whether to rent hosting or not.
Learning bloggers
The first requirement for wanting to become a personal blogger who has a personal blog is a love of writing. A number of people have joined in becoming bloggers because they see an opportunity for unlimited work solutions from home. However, it is not love to write without knowledge. Knowledge should not be stuck there and there. There is a blogger who in his school days scored 6 in Indonesian but he realized his ability and continued to learn, such as improving his Indonesian spelling skills. As a result, he has now managed to win various victories in blog competitions.
Today's bloggers are required to learn many things. Moreover, many new bloggers have sprung up and they have excellent graphic capabilities. It makes you nervous if the newcomer also has good search engine optimization skills so that his posts are diligently perched on the first page of Google searches.
In short, bloggers (in Indonesian termed blogger – with one letter G or “narablog”) need to find a way of learning in his own way so that he is not inferior to other bloggers.
Not losing prestige for what? Not just prestige. Prestige is in the order of umpteenth or in the order of the tail. The main thing is to be able to provide the best for the readers. Good intentions first, don't rush to make a blog a passive money machine.
Experience and observations show, bloggers who practice the slogan content is king, as long as they consistently write and produce good quality content, the position of their writings on Google search engines can compete. What's more, if he gradually applies search engine optimization (SEO) in his writings - it will often penetrate page one.
Search engine optimization
Want to know how to learn professional bloggers today? Here's how:
Currently, there is a lot of reading material related to blogging that is circulating on the internet. With the right keywords, we can collect a lot of writing related to blogging and apply it step by step.
By joining blogger communities, we have the opportunity to learn through events or classes organized by these communities. Some take place offline, some take place online.
Now there are a number of platforms that focus on softskills and hardskills education. By registering as a member of the platform, we can learn many things such as public speaking which can later be used to support our abilities as bloggers or other skills such as SEO, creative writing, and so on.
Among bloggers, there are a number of people who are known as mastahs who are humble and diligent in sharing their knowledge. Pay attention to which ones can be approached and asked personally, and are not stingy with knowledge. Of course it takes a process, yes, don't ask questions without a significant approach.
If you are diligent in reading, surfing the internet, and hanging out in the community, you will definitely know which blogs often share knowledge related to search engine optimization or other knowledge possessed by the author. One of them is (Joko Warino Blog). His blog discusses many interesting and useful things for bloggers, including articles entitled 9+ SEO Friendly Website Design Criteria for You to Take Advantage of, 5+ Tips to Create an SEO Friendly Website Structure, and 11+ Advantages of Using Quality SEO Services.
Well, reality shows that people who are just like that will not experience significant progress in their lives. This happens in various fields, including in the world of blogging. So if you want to produce something from this world, the willingness to learn continuously becomes the path that allows dreams to come true. Reflect on those who have been successful first. They all also start from scratch like us and they don't stop learning.