
Having many fans or followers who always follow the uploads that we post on Instagram is indeed a matter of pride. Well, if the number of your IG followers is already a lot but only a few people give Likes, you don't need to worry anymore.
In this article, we will provide a tutorial on how to get lots of likes on Instagram every time you post a post. Take it easy, the guide that we will provide can be easily done and also of course free.
Yup, indeed there are many people out there who open services to add likes to IG posts. Getting a lot of likes on this IG post is indeed very profitable, especially for those who sell online on Instagram. Well, because running an online business with Instagram is a trend right now.
Just take a look at the full tutorial on how to get lots of likes on Instagram for free without the following bomb like application.
How to get lots of likes on Instagram without an app
6 Ways to Get More Likes on Instagram Without an App
If we want to quickly get the number of followers and likes on IG, it can be easily done by paying for services. However, this usually costs a lot of money. Not only that, sometimes the followers menambah RAM laptop and likes are not from real humans but bots.
Of course, so that we can get lots of likes on Instagram, the number of followers is very decisive. The more followers you have on IG, of course, the chances will be even greater.
If you already get a lot of followers, then you have to upload content that is really interesting. That way the number of likes will also have a lot of opportunities. In addition to the above, there are still some tips on how to get lots of likes on Instagram without an application and of course it's free.
What are some tips on how to get thousands of Instagram likes?
Utilizing the Hashtag or Hashtag Feature
Besides being able to be used to categorize a post, using hashtags or hashtags are also tips on how to get lots of likes on Instagram naturally without an application and of course FREE. Not only that, adding hashtags can also increase the number of your followers from people who see your content after they visit the hashtag.
Having a hashtag in each uploaded post will make the content automatically grouped from all IG users with the same hashtag. In other words, hashtags are keywords or keywords that all Instagram users can type.
For example, you will post content on IG and hashtag #food. So when an IG user types in the hashtag, the photos you post will automatically appear. So, for a wider reach, you should use hashtags that are already popular on Instagram.
However, there are things to be aware of when tagging your IG posts. Don't use too many hashtags, or your post will be considered SPAM. So it's enough to use a maximum of 5 hashtags or hashtags.
How to get lots of likes on Instagram, must be active
The next tip is how to get lots of likes on Instagram without hashtags and applications, that is, you also have to be active with other fellow users. So often you give likes and comments on other people's IG uploads. That way they will respect and do the same for every post you upload.
However, don't overdo it in giving comments and likes. Because they can also limit Instagram comments on some accounts in other words block your IG account.
Post Content When People Are Online
Next on tips on how to get lots of likes on Instagram, you also need to know when it's time for many IG users to be online. For example, work breaks, relaxing time, don't upload posts in the early hours of the morning when many people are asleep.
In leisure times it is certain that many people are busy with their cell phones. Like browsing, playing games, including opening the Instagram application.
Scheduling Posts
When you have a lot of photos or content to post on Instagram. It's best not to do it simultaneously and all at once, but you need to schedule it in advance. You can follow the complete guide in the article on how to memperbanyak like di Instagram tanpa aplikasi schedule Instagram posts automatically with the app.
For example, if you have 20 photos and then upload them simultaneously, your followers will definitely get bored easily. You can set the posting time, for example every two hours or it can be continued tomorrow. That way your followers don't get tired of seeing their IG homepage which is full of all of your posts.
Upload Photos and Give Interesting Captions
A good picture is indeed the main thing in order to get lots of likes on Instagram. In addition to photos or interesting content, you also need to provide a caption that can provoke followers to comment and give likes. Especially if you use it to do sales promotions on IG
Take advantage of Instagram Stories
InstaStory is a fairly new feature on Instagram. Posts on Stories will be automatically deleted within 24 hours. Well, so that you don't get too much "garbage" on people's Instagram feeds. As an alternative to setting the posting time, you can also take advantage of this InstaStory.
Those are some tips on how to get lots of likes on Instagram without an application and of course it's free that you can try. In the previous article, we have also shared a guide on how to hide IG posts for certain followers. If there is indeed an IG follower that you want to block, please refer to the tutorial.
Hopefully the above information can be useful and good luck.