
Cover the entire buttocks with cardio, strength and recovery in just 20 minutes a day.
Can you find a purpose for your training routine? Are you unsure how to combine your cardio and strength training exercises with Tetris for best results? This four-week training plan for women will be like your personal trainer and responsible partner, giving you expert training guidance and a solid program to keep you on track. The best part? Most workouts are 20 minutes or less, but be prepared to sweat.
"To really see results, you need to increase your workouts," says Alvin Cosgrove, owner of Result Fitness in Santa Clarita, California. (That's right, science backs it up). This is why these quick workouts are not easy for you. But stick to it and you will definitely see the results of this workout plan without spending crazy hours in the gym. Good?
Your Training Plan
Here's how it works: Follow a training plan, do each strength or conditioning training on the specified day. If you have time, add a warm-up and chill at the beginning and end of your workout. (Do not forget to take a day off, your body needs it!)
Strength exercises:
The strength training included in this four-week training plan for women is short (only four exercises each) but intense. By changing the upper and lower body movements in the superset, which are two different sets of different exercises, between which you can without rest keep your heart rate elevated and burn as many calories as possible while training every muscle in the body. For each workout: do 12 to 15 repetitions of the first two exercises in a row, then rest for 60 to 90 seconds; Repeat for 2-3 sets. Repeat with the other two exercises. Remember to use enough heavy weights to exhaust your muscles at the end of the set. (Do not skip strength days, lifting weights gives you all these benefits.)
Cardio training:
This training plan divides cardio training into two parts: static cardio training and intervals. On the weekends you will train long, medium speed workouts (walking, swimming, cycling, etc.) to stay active and improve your endurance, and during the week you will train two intervals. Below you will find workouts that take place at four-week intervals for the treadmill (although you can technically use any fitness equipment, whether it is a rover, a bicycle or an elliptical). It will use your RPE frequency or training difficulties on a scale of 1-10 (10 most difficult). If the exercise seems too simple, try to add to the suggested challenge.
You will need:
5-8 pound dumbbells, stability ball, exercise bench (or high chair), barbell or weights (optional), ankle and arm weights (optional), treadmill or other type of fitness equipment (optional)
Bodybuilding 1
Squat Dumbbell Press
quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders
A. Stand at shoulder height and hold 5-8 pound dumbbells in each hand, legs hip-width apart, palms facing each other (not shown).
B. Squat, spread your arms above your head.
C. Stand up and lower your arms to the starting position
D. Repeat.
Keep it simple:
Keep the weight by your side.
Challenge yourself:
Keep the dumbbells above your head throughout the exercise.
The Balloon Lizard
triceps, chest, abdomen, shoulders
A. Get in a push-up position, keep your arms shoulder-width apart on the stability ball, keep your back straight and your stomach tense.
B. Lower your chest to the ball, point out your elbows, keep your stomach tense and keep your head like your hips.
C. Press back to the starting position and repeat.
Keep it simple:
Move on the ground without a ball
Challenge yourself:
Do one leg while doing the movement.
Bulgarian Split Squat
Goals: Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes
A. Step back 2-3 feet from a sturdy bench or chair. Place the top of your right foot on the seat.
B. Bend your left knee 90 degrees, keeping your knee in line with your ankle. Hold 2 numbers, straighten legs in 4 bills and repeat.
C. 1 Change page after game; Repeat
Keep it simple:
Make alternating outcomes without a bench.
Challenge yourself:
Hold the dumbbell next to you while keeping your hind legs on the bench.
Clean With Dumbbells And Press
Goals: Shoulders, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads
A. Stand with dumbbells in front of the thighs, palms facing inwards.
B. Squat and lower the weight to just above your knees.
C. Move the weight as close to the torso as possible towards the chest (not shown).
D. Stand straight with palms facing forward and push down the hanging weight (not shown).
E. weak in baseline; Repeat
Keep it simple: do not squat; Simply extend your elbows to your shoulders.
Challenge yourself: When you pull weights over your chest and head, make the movements explosive.
bodybuilding 2
Dynamic living room
Goals: Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes
A. Stand with your legs parallel and shoulder-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells by your side.
B. Push the right leg forward, bend the right knee 90 degrees and for the left knee closer to the floor.
C. From this position, press your right foot explosively and return to the starting position.
D. change legs; Repeat
Keep it simple:
do not use weights; Make the movement less explosive.
Challenge yourself:
Hold a body bar or barbell over your shoulder.
Extend opposite leg / arm
back, abdomen, gluteal muscles
A. Lie face down on a stability ball with your hands and fingers touching the ground.
B. Squeeze the abdomen and gluteal muscles and lift the left arm and right leg at the same time.
C. change legs and arms; Repeat
Keep it simple: practice on all fours on the floor without the ball.
Challenge yourself: add ankle and arm weights.
Measures: quadriceps, glutes
A. Place your right foot on a bend or step (if possible, find a bend or step slightly above knee height).
B. Push through the right heel, straighten the leg, for the left leg to the right (do not let the left leg touch).
C. Lower your left leg to the floor without touching it, then straighten your right leg again.
D. Do 1 set; Change page.
Keep it simple:
hit the top of the stairs and the floor on each rope.
Challenge yourself:
hold the dumbbell with your hands next to you.
The Subject Of Fabric
A. Go into a push-up position with your hands on the floor under your shoulders.
B. Place your feet on the stability ball for balance and stretch your legs and keep your stomach attached to your spine.
C. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest without twisting your spine or moving your buttocks.
D. Return the ball to the starting position with the foot; Repeat
Keep it simple:
Lie on your back on the ball and tap.
Challenge yourself:
Raise your hips to the ceiling in an inverted "V".
Follow the instructions below for the number of seconds or minutes displayed. (If you want to increase your training plan, add a second set of sprints!)
Week 1
0: 00-5: 00: At 3.5-3.8 mph (RPE 4)
5: 00-5: 20: Sprint 6.5-8.0 mph (RPE 9)
5: 20-6: 50: Recovery Walk Speed 3.0-3.5 mph (RPE 3)
6: 50-10: 30: Repeat the sprint series 2 more times, replace the 20 second sprint with the 90 second recovery.
10: 30-15: 00: 3.5-3.8 mph (RPE 4)
Week 2
0: 00-5: 00: At 3.5-3.8 mph (RPE 4)
5: 00-5: 20: Sprint 6.5-8.0 mph (RPE 9)
5: 20-6: 20: 3.0-3.5 mph recovery run (RPE 3)
06: 20–10: 30: Repeat the series of sprints 2 more times, alternating 20-second sprints with 60-second recovery.
11: 40-20: 00: 3.5-3.8 mph RPE fast (RPE 4)
Week 3
0: 00-5: 00: At 3.5-3.8 mph (RPE 4)
5: 00-5: 30: Sprint 6.5-8.0 mph (RPE 9)
17: 30–18: 30: Recovery Hike 3.0–3.5 mph (RPE 3)
6: 30-12: 30: Repeat the sprint series 4 more times, run 30 seconds with 60 seconds recovery.
12: 30–15: 00: 3.5–3.8 km / h walk (RPE 4)
Week 4
0: 00-5: 00: At 3.5-3.8 mph (RPE 4)
5: 00-5: 30: Sprint 6.5-8.0 mph (RPE 9)
05: 30–6: 00: Recovery Hike 3.0–3.5 mph (RPE 3)
06: 00-13: 00: Repeat the sprint series 7 more times, alternating 30-second sprint with 30-second recovery.
11: 40-20: 00: 3.5-3.8 mph Spring Fast (RPE 4)