
For the most part no, until you didn't need, Cash App Customer Service can't erase your record forever. In any case, once in a while happened that, the help group finds your record engaged with any out of the standard movement. Along these lines, in this situation, they can close your record on a transitory premise. On the off chance that you need to get to it, at that point give all the docs to check your personality.
Can Cash App Customer Service erase my record for all time?
For the most part no, until you didn't need, Cash App Customer Service can't erase your recordforever. In any case, once in a while happened that, the help group finds yourrecord engaged with any out of the standard movement. Along these lines, inthis situation, they can close your record on a transitory premise. On the offchance that you need to get to it, at that point give all the docs to checkyour personality.