
At this time, a huge number of massage studios of all kinds have opened. Each of them has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Although LUX studio undoubtedly stands out against others. You can find the salon at Their service is organized in the best way, because they pay a lot of attention to the customer's needs. The massage specialists are very experienced, they know how to approach the clients individually. All the girls have special costumes and accessories, which will bring charm to the massage session.
Erotic massage is the main service of the salon. What is this variant of massage? In addition to the main techniques of the standard massage, say, pressing, there may be gentle and exciting stroking the client's body with your hands and sometimes directly with the body. The real professionalism in this case is to be able to bring a man to ecstasy without touching the genitals, but only through the influence on various special areas and the gentle touch of the body. Undoubtedly, this is a unique type of massage, characterized by some specific techniques of masseuses. In general, the massage improves the condition of the skin, has a good effect on all organs and normalizes the flow of life forces.
A lightly scented moisturizing cream and aromatherapy oil are used in the work. By the way, the best oils for arousal are considered bergamot and cinnamon. Plus, to enhance the effect of the massage can be used particles of velvet, artificial leather and various other accessories.
It should also be emphasized the atmosphere that creates around the visitor to this salon. All the locations where the massage sessions are carried out, are thought out to the smallest detail. First of all, everything is involved, which will have a positive impact directly on the result of the service. Beautiful melodies, style design and various other factors. Consequently, when choosing a salon, you should definitely choose this salon. This is where you can get a pleasure that will be remembered for decades.