
WoTLK Classic Gold game director Ion Hazzikostas recently spoke in an interview about updating the game's 17th year for modern gamers. Many changes to the older content have occurred following multiple discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuits filed against Activision Blizzard. Hazzikostas said that the game is "an constantly changing and evolving world," and that changes are being implemented to ensure Azeroth is more representative of the values of the development team and the values of its playerbase by 2021.
World of Warcraft 's patch 9.2 Eternity's Finale is now available as "the final chapter of one book of the World of Warcraft saga," the lead narrative developer Steve Danuser in a new developer preview.
Patch 9.2 will bring players to the realm of Zereth Mortis, described as an workshop dedicated to The mythical First Ones, and the area that holds the responsibility for all creation. The Jailer, the main villain of Shadowlands, the main antagonist of Shadowlands expansion, aims to breach the Sepulcher of that of the First Ones in order to modify the rules of creation. Of course, it will be the responsibility of the players to stop him, during one of the final raids of the expansion. Along the way players must confront Anduin, the fallen King of Stormwind who is under the control of Jailer's domination magic.
The majority of WoTLK Gold expansions end after three, or sometimes even four, major content patches prior to proceeding to another expansion. Based on the statements of Danuser in the developer preview, where he claims that Shadowlands is the final chapter of Shadowlands expansion tells a narrative that is told in three parts and that this is the "final episode," it certainly sounds like patch 9.2 will be the last patch of the expansion. If that is in fact the scenario, Shadowlands will be the second expansion in the history of the game together with Warlords Draenor that has received just two updates to the content.