Hybrid Mobile App Development in Bangalore
Hybrid Mobile App Development in Bangalore
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Hybrid Mobile App Development in Bangalore

Hybrid apps possess elements from native apps installed in a device just like any other app. Hybrid apps open on the internet via a browser, acting like apps not installed. Hybrid apps use web languages such as HTML, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, etc. Hybrid Apps offers functionalities within a web view.

Hybrid App Architecture:

Hybrid Mobile Architecture uses open standards stack such as Angular, Bootstrap, and HTML built on Cordova Framework.

Hybrid App Architecture includes:Mobile App:

UI and Interaction, built using HTML, JavaScript, and Angular Framework.

Allows re-use of existing components, including UI and services integration.

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Web View:

Browser component with the HTML rendering engine.

JavaScript engine runs in full-screen mode with the mobile.

Cordova Plugins:

Access to device capabilities like camera, geolocation, contacts, etc.

JavaScript-based Cordova plugins.


The cross-platform installer built using Cordova tools such as Android, iOS, SDKs, etc.

Hybrid Mobile App Development:Mobile App development includes four layers:

Builds mobile UI using layouts, support navigation, add workflow with the help of events, transitions, and gestures.

Data integration via REST APIs, variables, and data binding.

The native support enhances the native look with features such as offline data support and responsiveness.

Installer builds platform-specific installers for deployment.

Developing UI:

Hybrid app pages are asynchronously on-demand with multiple pages. The page-layout defines navigations, gestures, and transitions.

User interaction enhances page functionality with drag and drop widgets based on HTML and Bootstrap responsive design. Specific functions such as a Camera and Barcode scanner can access device capabilities.

Data Integration:

External database, web, or Java service integrated widgets consumes respective REST APIs categorized as Web Services, Data Model & Java Services. Device variables and binding establish a connection between the functions and REST APIs.

Preview and testing hybrid mobile apps:

Testing of the App gives you a preview of the Responsive Web App, but you will not be able to access any device-specific features included in the app.

Creating Installer:

The hybrid mobile application process generates a .apk or .ipa file. One can download .zip files compatible with the Cordova building manual Android & iOS apps.

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Think for a minute and revise how many times you use an app in a day? Multiple times, isn’t it? An application is waiting in your play store for every human need. Mobile application languages are the future of technology, increasing at lightning speed.