
You've spent hours writing the perfect blog post. You've got a killer title and some great images.
As you're about to hit publish, you realise that your blog is going to get buried by Google's algorithm. That’s why you need to hire the right Expert SEO Brisbane Company and get the best service.
Create Outstanding Content Around One Keyword or Subject
One of the most important parts of SEO is your content. If you want to rank for a keyword or subject, then you need to create content around it. You can't just put a keyword in the title and expect it to rank well.
You need to write content that is relevant and useful for your readers. By creating great content around one keyword or subject, people will find that page when they search for related terms on Google or Google News. This means more traffic and better rankings over time!
Wait 30-60 Days
In addition to the basics, there are several things you can do to ensure that your blog post is found by search engines and readers. However, it's important to remember that these will take time—usually 30-60 days—to pick up steam. This doesn't mean that you should stop posting after a couple of weeks; rather, it means that you should wait until these factors have had enough time to kick in before moving on with other SEO practices.
- Wait 30-60 days for search volume (the number of people searching for a keyword) and popularity (how often people click) to pick up for your chosen keywords/keyword phrases.
- Wait 30-60 days after posting your article before using any paid ads or sponsored links on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter; this will allow Google Analytics data from those platforms time enough for accurate reporting of conversions (when someone buys something from one of these ads).
Analyze the keywords that your post is ranking for.
The first thing you should do when deciding on a keyword is to analyze the keywords that your post is already ranking for. You can use a keyword research tool, like SEMRush or Ahrefs, to find out which terms people are actually searching for when they come across your content.
Additionally, check your Google Analytics and search console data (which may include keyword data if you’ve added it) to see whether there are any trends in search behavior before making any changes. You can also go straight to Google Keyword Planner and check out some suggestions for keywords in relation to yours.
Update Your Post
- Make sure to update your post with new information. If you have any new relevant content or if you’ve made any changes to the post, go ahead and add it in.
- Don’t forget to add a link to your post in the new article. This will help Google know that both posts are connected and therefore must be considered one piece of content and not two separate pieces of information.
- You also need to update the title and meta description of your post so that they match those found on the new article as well as any other changes made since publishing it originally
Finding What Works for Your Blog
When it comes to SEO, there are many factors that affect how well your blog posts will rank in search results. You know that you should include a keyword or two in the title of your post, but what about when you write the actual content? Should your focus be on one keyword or several?
- Experiment with different keyword density percentages (the ratio of how often a term appears in relation to all other words). Does increasing or decreasing the percentage affect search ranking?
- If you already have a few established keywords for each post, try adding additional targeted phrases for some posts and leave others alone. Check back after time has passed and see if there's any difference in rankings between them.
- See if guest writers who aren't familiar with your site can come up with new ways of approaching this topic from another angle; perhaps they'll discover something unexpected about its audience size or interests!
In the end, it's all about finding out what works for your blog. If you have a large audience and want to rank for several keywords at once, then that's great! Just make sure that all of your content is focused on one main theme or subject and that you're writing things with readers in mind also get the Expert SEO Brisbane Company’s help.
On the other hand, if you are just starting out with SEO and don't have much traffic yet then maybe focus on one keyword at a time would be better. The important thing is to keep experimenting until you find what works best for your own blog so keep trying new things!