
5 helpful measures to take right after a burglary
Burglaries leave people feeling outraged, victimised, and defenceless without a doubt. This is because thieves may be attracted to commit crime at homes where they have previously had a positive outcome. If you've been the victim of a robbery, you should move quickly to prevent yourself, your family, and your belongings from being attacked again.
Here are five things to think about after a break-in:
Contact the police:
This may seem self-evident, but if you arrive home and discover that you have been burgled, try to remain cool. There's a chance the thief is still inside, so if you hear any movements or assume the burglar is still inside, don't confront him or her; instead, dial triple nine (999). If you feel confident entering your home, don't touch anything because you can lose vital evidence. Leave everything in its original state and reach the nearest police station.
A policeman or a front-desk worker may be the one to receive the information. They will be able to inform you what to do next in either scenario. It's possible that you'll be connected to the Police Crime Centre. The staff will then obtain data about your condition as possible. You will receive a confirmation email.
Perform comprehensive security audit:
Perform a protection examination of your home to see if there are any alternative entry points, such as climbing over a wall or onto a terrace that leads to doors and windows. To minimise the chances of burglars getting in, take the appropriate steps to make these entrance routes less approachable.
Apply for insurance claims:
After a burglary, verify your insurance policy to determine what you're allowed to claim. Even if you don't think an item is valuable enough to make a claim, there may be regulations that allow you to include it in your claim. Because you may need to give ownership rights for your valuable items, it's a good idea to have invoices, product model number, and values on hand in case they're ever stolen or lost. Photographs of the home before the break-in can also be utilised as proof for insurance claim or to help determine the scope of the home's damages. Jewelry and other precious or sensitive items should be considered separately on your insurance contract.
Install a camera, sensors, or security system:
Install new security monitoring systems to monitor who enters and exits your home. Don't worry, you don't need to transform your house into a hideout to feel secure; a few detectors and an exterior camera can suffice for smaller properties.
A complete home security system may also be sufficient to deter possible invaders. They come with enough detectors to cover each entry in your home, as well as loud sirens to deter intruders from breaking in. The greatest security devices integrate to your phone via an app, allowing you to monitor your house whether you're at home or not. If you go with a surveillance system, be sure it comes with professional monitoring as an added layer of protection.
Make improvements to your locks and doors.
According to current FBI data, forceful entry was used in over 50% of all thefts in 2018 (56.7 percent). The rest were unauthorised entrants (36.7 percent ). 1 Attackers will find it more difficult to get access to your home if you reinforce your doors and locks.
To reinforce the door, replace the locks with security systems or install a security door. Consider replacing the door with a massive security door that is more difficult to unscrew or kick down.
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