
Dua To Make Someone Agree For Marriage
Love marriages have gained pace in society and the gen of today likes to choose their life partner on their own. They don’t want to rely on their parents for a decision in their life. Though not completely true, even Islam gives them the freedom to pick their life partner with the will of their parents. So, if you love someone and want to marry that person, then you should dua to make someone agree for marriage to ease the procedure of marrying them and convince everyone for it. Insha Allah, with the help of Islamic prayer for love marriage, your marriage will take place smoothly.
Every relationship requires the blessings of Allah Subhana’ Wa Tala and if you want your love marriage to be successful and prosperous, then you should make dua for love marriage. The dua will not just make your marriage take place nicely with the consent of everyone but will also never let anything create problems in your marriage.
It will make your marriage happy and peaceful. The dua to marry someone i love will eradicate all the hurdles and problems from your marriage and will help you marry your lover with convenience.
Step by step procedure of doing dua
As per your wish, you should recite the dua in Islam to get married to the man I love given below. Recite it 1000 times for 90 days without fail and Insha Allah, you will get married to anyone you want.
You can practice the online love dua at any time of the day, but make sure you are in a state of ablution. Also, pray ray to Allah Talah after every recitation to help you marry your lover with ease.
“Ya Mugni”
If you have any personalized requirements of dua, you should get in touch with our molvi sb. to get his individual attention for your matter.