Name Webomates Inc
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Location Stamford
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Webomates provides a cloud-based AI software testing as a service platform to carry out software functional testing in guaranteed timeframes. The platform creates test cases & scripts and executes them using multiple testing execution techniques like AI Automation, Automation, Crowdsource & AI enhanced manual. At the end of the execution what you get is the actionable triaged defects. Every execution result is recorded and auditable from the CQ portal.

joined at 3 years ago

    Enterprise Software Testing

    Competition creates pressure. Today, teams are under enormous pressure to d...

    • webomates

    DevOps Tools For Testing

    DevOps tools for testing allow developers to test while they code, and also...

    • webomates

    Shift Left Testing Services

    Shift Left Testing Services Webomates would like to present Shift Left Test...

    • webomates

    API testing vs Ui testing

    API testing vs UI testing is a very critical aspect of QA testing. Without...

    • webomates

    Requirements Traceability Matrix testing

    Requirements traceability provides a context to the development team and se...

    • webomates

    Example for functional testing

    Functional testing is normally performed during the System and Acceptance T...

    • webomates

    Types of manual testing

    Manual Testing requires more effort but is necessary to check automation fe...

    • webomates

    What is Agile Testing?

    Agile Testing is the software practice that is in sync with the Agile Devel...

    • webomates

    Agile testing methodology

    Agile testing methodology is customer centric approach that delivers a high...

    • webomates

    what are automation tools

    Click here If you are interested in learning more about the services offere...

    • webomates

    Crowdsourced testing

    Webomates has integrated solution Webomates CQ which helps companies to tes...

    • webomates

    Test Automation vs Manual Testing

    In the software testing arena a perennial debate has raged between proponen...

    • webomates

    Functional Testing | Webomates

    Webomates has integrated solution Webomates CQ which helps companies to tes...

    • webomates

    App testing

    Webomates has integrated solution Webomates CQ which helps companies to tes...

    • webomates

    Api automation testing

    Webomates deals with contract testing, which in simpler terms, is verifying...

    • webomates