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M A Trading Company (MAT) is a 78 years old business that operates worldwide and is synonymous with innovative design, modern ambiance, the latest trends and lifestyle products. In 1942, a few years before India gained independence from Britain, Mohammed Ayub Ansari,the family patriarch and a man of vision and commitment, entered the business of manufacturing and exporting handmade carpets.

joined at 4 years ago

    Area Rug Renaissance Blue

    Renaissance Blue handmade Area Rug Wholesaler in USA - Mat | Carpet manufac...

    • matthebasics

    MAT Orange Hand Tufted Area Rug Hibiscus Round Turquois...

    Houston Grey Handmade Wool Area Rug Manufacturer in USA | Mat The Basics |...

    • matthebasics

    Mat The Basics - Adhara Beige Bamboo Viscose Area Rug

    MAT The Basics Rio Adhara Beige Luxury Geometric Contemporary Handmade Leat...

    • matthebasics

    Mat The Basics - The Best Area Rugs Manufacturer & Whol...

    M A Trading Company (MAT) is a 78 years old business that operates worldwid...

    • matthebasics