Name Magalena Campbell
Gender Female
Location New York,USA
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Hi, I am Magalena Campbell, working as a product manager in rananjay exports for the last five years.

joined at 3 years ago

    Why Should You Take Interest in Buying Moonstone Jewelr...

    The stone of new beginnings moonstone is pretty opaque to a translucent gem...

    • magalenacampbell

    Antique Moonstone Jewelry and its Journey Throughout Hi...

    Moonstones glow as if they have their own light. Found in so many hues, the...

    • magalenacampbell

    Moonstone with Amazing Grace

    Moonstone with the natural sheen and rainbow play in the light makes the mo...

    • magalenacampbell

    Natural Gemstone jewelry with Moonstone in Sterling Sil...

    Moonstone can't be compared to any common white stone based on its outlook....

    • magalenacampbell