Name James B. Adams
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Location UAE
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joined at 3 years ago

    How Much Does an Aircon Regas Cost? Let’s Find Out!

    Ever wonder how the air conditioning system in your car works to cool the i...

    • jamesadams

    How Much Does a Clutch Replacement Cost? Let’s Find Out...

    First things first – it is impossible to completely prevent some component...

    • jamesadams

    What is a Head Gasket and How Much to Repair One? Let’s...

    Seals and gaskets are very basic but essential parts of a machine. A car ca...

    • jamesadams

    How Long Do Brake Pads Last? Let’s Find Out from Servic...

    Pressing an accelerator makes you thrilled while brakes keep you safe. Apar...

    • jamesadams

    How Much Does a Wheel Alignment Cost in the UK? Let’s F...

    You’re out on the road and you find that instead of driving straight, your...

    • jamesadams

    What Engine Oil Do I Use for My Car? Let’s Find Out Fro...

    Most car owners in the UK are aware of the car oil change that generally ha...

    • jamesadams

    How Long Does a Car Battery Last In the UK? Let’s Find...

    Everything around us is obscured in some way. When you look closely, the fa...

    • jamesadams

    The Most Common Automatic Transmission Issues – Solved!

    Automatic transmission has been a buzz word around us for a while now. But,...

    • jamesadams

    Here’s What to Do to Improve Fuel Economy

    The car brings a lot of comfort but at a certain cost. As a car owner, you...

    • jamesadams

    Few essential Ways in which Vehicle Inspection Can Bene...

    Owning a vehicle is not just a luxury to your lifestyle, but it is a dream...

    • jamesadams

    Did Your Car Unexpectedly Breakdown? Here's What to Do...

    Sometimes unexpected things happen to us. It could be a strange sound or an...

    • jamesadams

    Here's 7 Reasons Why You Need to Use a Mobile Car Mecha...

    Most car owners tend to drive all the way to a workshop for their car maint...

    • jamesadams

    10 Critical Tips for Driving in the Rain

    After nearly a year of no rains, the clouds have rolled in for a heavy down...

    • jamesadams

    Here’s What to Do If Your Car Keeps Pulling Towards One...

    Do you find yourself wresting the steering wheel to keep your car in betwee...

    • jamesadams