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joined at 4 years ago

    Lease Renewal Notices: Letters for Landlords and Tenant...

    When your lease expires, it is you to decide if you want to renew the lease...

    • briankowallaw

    Broward County, Florida Title Company

    When individuals or businesses purchase a piece of land, they rely on the p...

    • briankowallaw

    The Florida foreclosure process

    One must go to court to foreclose its mortgage. The Lender institutes proce...

    • briankowallaw

    Advantages Of Using A Real Estate Attorney Vs. A Title...

    Unlike most states, Florida does not demand the use of a title agent attorn...

    • briankowallaw

    Short Sale & Foreclosure Attorney in Florida

    At Brian Kowal Law in Florida, we offer a wealth of knowledge in short sale...

    • briankowallaw

    Florida Title Company

    Once hired, an attorney represents that client all through the transaction...

    • briankowallaw