
Advantages of Hiring A Real Estate Attorney For Florida Property Transactions
1. A Florida Title Companyworks for the title insurer, not the buyer or the seller, whereas real estateattorneys work for whoever hires them.
Once hired, an attorney represents that client all through thetransaction – in addition to overseeing the sale to completion, they look outfor their clients’ best interest and advocate for their client. The titlecompany’s role is to prepare the essential closing documents needed by thetitle insurer to complete the transaction and issue the title insurance policy.
2. Title agents do not havelaw degrees and cannot provide legal advice.
When there are problems or questions, the buyer/seller can’t turn to theFL Title Company for help or advice. One of the most common issues is how totake title to the property, which has legal and tax reparations. A title agent cannotprovide advice in this situation, but an FL Title Lawyer can. Realtors and thebuyer/seller, benefit from working with attorneys since the attorney can reviewthe contract and answer legal questions during the contract negotiationprocess; title companies cannot.
3. Title agents cannot createcontract agents, address problems in the sales contract, deal with non-standardforms, or correct legal issues that affect the title.
This is important because if an issue arises, corrective documents may needto be obtained or created. Title Lawyers in FortLauderdale canprovide legal advice on the best way to handle the problem, as well as preparerequired documents, title agents cannot. Depending on the issue, a title agentwill have to send parties out to hire an attorney (at their own cost) to handlespecific problems. Not having an attorney can delay the closing or even leadthe transaction to fall apart entirely.
4. The costs of hiring a titlecompany vs. an attorney are comparable.
Many closing costs, such as title insurance premiums, documentary stamps,and recording costs, are set by the State of Florida. They are the same,whether an attorney or a title agent is handling the process. In some cases, usingan attorney can save the parties money by performing double work as an attorneyand a title agent; a title agent cannot do the same.
For more informationabout Title Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale, Please visit at