
Do you have smoke bomb photography ideas in your mind but don't know how to use them exactly? Here are a couple of tips that can help you out:
Coordinate Poses before lighting the Smoke Bomb
Be sure your wire pull model is sitting in the correct spot. Make sure you have your lighting, composition, and pose—all else before pulling the smoke bomb's wire or cable. Be sure to be safe!
Although smoke bombs used in photography last as long as 90 minutes, it just takes a few seconds for massive puffs of smoke to create an impressive effect. Therefore, it will only be a couple of minutes for the model to be able to move around the smoke.
Smoke Trails
Another suggestion for controlling smoking is to move your smoke bomb or the smoke canister more slowly. It will leave a more visible trail of smoke. The faster the subject moves, the more slender and tinier the tracks will become.
Keep an eye out for the face
Be cautious not to include excessively many photos with smoke directly in front of your customer's face. Although we all enjoy artistic photographs, you need your client to stand out in all of your photos.
Request your subject to walk towards you and away from the smoke if you're beginning to lose their attention so that you can retain the beautiful, vibrant smoke visible in the background.
Make Use of Props
Another method of shooting is placing the smoke bomb into another object or using props to cover the smoke bomb. You can use things such as an umbrella, lantern, or birdcage. The idea is to give the impression that smoke is gushing from an ordinary object.
As you'll be limited to 90 minutes to get the smoke out, make sure you have the props ready before lighting the smoke canister.
Want to know how you can run a successful smoke bomb photoshoot without hassle? Here are a couple of smoke bomb photography ideas that will help you get your goal:
Safety first
It has to be secure to ensure that the shooting becomes successful. You do not need to contact the fire department or pay an infringement charge for violating local laws!
Test it out before you go
Smoke bomb photography doesn't have to be easy, but it may be a bit difficult initially. Knowing the speed at which smoke is released, the rate you'll need to move it around, how to illuminate it, and the ideal camera settings are essential. Usually, it's the shutter speed you have to play around with to make the most of the way the smoke suffocates, but the aperture also plays an essential role in ensuring that you have everything in focus. Make sure to do several test shots in a different place before the actual shoot.
Make sure you have additional smoke bombs
The photography of smoke bombs doesn't have exactly a science. If the day is windy, it may need a few attempts to obtain the desired outcome. Make sure you have enough color smoke bombs to capture the best images.
If you've been looking for a cheap smoke bomb, There's always the risk of buying a product that isn't working.
But, if you stick to well-known brands like those mentioned in this article, there is less risk. However, it could still occur. It's a good idea to bring additional smoke sticks to keep in the case.
Be aware of the weather
Smoke photography largely depends on weather conditions, mainly the winds. If you're searching for an unreal and romantic style, you'll need smoke to disperse as much as possible to produce a misty appearance. If it's a day with a lot of wind, it's the result you'll see - even if there's not any wind, you could use fans to create a gentle breeze.
Check out our smoke bomb photography ideas at Photography Talks.