
Crystal cat litter is one of the biggest things to ever happen in the cat owner community. That’s because this type of litter can save cat owners tons of money and time. But making sure that you know where to find the right cat litter crystals cat be tricky sometimes. That’s why it is important to know what your options are when it comes to choosing the right place to get your litter supplies from. Thankfully, nowadays, there are a lot of places that can help you get what you need in order to make your purring pal happy.
What Are Cat Litter Crystals?
Caring for a pet exclusively indoors has its ups and downs. The challenges pet owners face are quite unique. From choosing the right food to picking out the right toys, everything has to be done just right in order to make sure that the animal has the best of everything. This is also the case of choosing the right cat litter for your fluffy friend. That’s a tough call to make mostly because there are so many options to choose from put there. You can choose anything from paper scraps to wooden pellets. But in order to make the right choice you have to firstly understand what are the advantage sand disadvantages of the cat litter you are considering.
Cat litter crystals , for instance, are small beads of silica that are used to fill cat litter boxes. They work just like the small silica packets in your new shoes or bags. They absorb moisture and bad smells, increasing in volume. They have become very popular in recent years among cat owners because, unlike other cat litter options, they do not let the moisture out once it is trapped. Also, because the silica beads are so good at retaining moisture, you don’t have to change the litter in your cats’ box so often. This really is good news, especially when you don’t have a lot of time to take care of your cat.
Another great advantage of cat litter crystals is that they do not damage the surroundings like other cat litters do. Other cat litters, such as clay or wood pellets, can get stuck to your cats’ fur or thrown out of the box onto the floor. Then they can damage the wood floors or the carpets. This doesn’t happen with crystal litter. Because the silica beads do not cling onto the cats’ fur, they don’t get spread around the house as others do. Also, because they don’t get stuck to your cats’ fur and paws, it is less likely for your feline friend to accidentally swallowing them when bathing himself after taking care of his business.
Cat litter crystals are also great because it is a very versatile solution for you and your cats’ needs. Silica gel can be found very easily, and thus crystal litter is usually cheap and widely available. Also, because it doesn’t make a big of a mess as other cat litters, it can be used safely for traveling or for spaces such as pet hotels or vet offices. Also, your cat might even enjoy it more than other cat litters such as clay or coconut husk. Because it is naturally unscented, it does not bother the animal or anybody else in the house for that matter. It can be found in scented variants too, but those might not be as efficient at absorbing the smells of urine and feces as the unscented one.
Where to Buy Crystal Cat Litter?
Crystal cat litter can be found very easily and cheaply in a very wide variety of places. The best place to start looking for such cat litter is your vets’ office. That’s because he can also help you pick the right type. There are many litter producing companies out there that make this product, so it can be sometimes difficult to pick the right one. Your vet can certainly point you in the right direction or at least give you a few good pieces of advice which brand to go with.
Another way of doing things is to pop don to your local pet shop and have a little talk with the shop keeper. They can give you valuable information about the crystal cat litter options they have and what you should choose for your little friend. Granted, you might want to double check that information when you get home, before buying a sack full of the stuff. You can even start by buying a smaller bag in order to see how your cat takes to it or not.
With most of todays’ shopping being done online, you can definitely get your crystal cat litter form one of the many online pet stores or wholesale websites. The important thing here is to make sure that you always check what that litter contains before placing your order. Luckily, you can always open a few more tabs and just look for information directly on the company’s site. Or you can always rely on the wisdom of others, and check the blogs and forums of other pet lovers and owners in order to get their opinion on the matter. This can really be useful, especially if you are new to the whole owning a bet thing.
Wherever you decide to get your crystal cat litter the important thing is to make sure that it is of good quality. That means that it should be produced by a company that’s been on the market for some time and that has a good standing in the pet owner community. Also, you should always make sure that the place you buy it from has enough of it in stock. It is true that you probably won’t go through a bag of litter very fast, but it is good to know that, in a pinch, you can always get more without having to wait for the next shipment or anything like that.