
Anybody that wants a dog, or already has one and is looking for the best ways to train them, should be aware of dog cages and puppy training pads. These are two of the most successfully used instruments in dog training to date. The great thing about them is that they can be used on almost any dog, regardless of age. And, the sooner you teach them to be comfortable with these, the sooner they can learn different things, like how to behave when in a collective or how to not make a mess indoors.
How Are Dog Cages Used in Dog Training?
Dogs are among the most intelligent creatures on Earth. But although they might do a lot of cool things instinctively, they might need a bit of guidance from humans for others. And so, different training methods were invented in order to help both dogs and people reach a certain level of understanding of each other. In order to better apply that training, special equipment must sometimes be used. Leashes, clickers and whistles are just some of the most common objects used in training sessions. Although dogs usually learn pretty quick, some might be in need of more structure than others. That’s why some other training instruments can be used.
Dog cages are among the most useful training and disciplining tools out there. They might seem a bit rough, for someone that’s on the outside and has no experience with training dogs, but they are used to great effect. And dogs aren’t a bothered by them as one might think. Trainers use the cages both as punishments as well as rewards. Cages can come to be identified as safe spaces by the dogs. They can be trained to immediately retreat in their cage in case of emergency. Also, they make for great places dogs can just hang out and spend some relaxing moments with their toys or other stuff.
Dog cages are also a wonderful tool to use for separating hyper-energetic dogs or dogs that don’t do so well in groups. This way the dog has a separate space in which he can feel safe and the other members of the group can be safely separated from him. Some dogs, especially former service dogs or dogs that have gone through difficult moments, may find it hard to re-adapt to a collective. This is why they might sometimes need some alone time in their cage in order to process what is going on around them. Dogs can suffer from PTSD just as humans can. That is why it is important to give them a space where they can feel safe and where they can enjoy some alone time.
But dog cages can be used to teach your dog patience as well. For instance, for people that enjoy traveling and want to bring their dogs with them these cages are the ideal solution. Buying a cage for your dog and getting him accustomed to spending prolonged periods of time in it is the best way to convince your four legged friend that that is a safe space to be in. some dogs end up enjoying spending time in their cage while others understand that they must do so in order to be with their friend. No matter how you train your pooch to see the cage, he will most certainly give his best in order to make you proud.
How Are Puppy Training Pads Used?
Puppy training pads are a great way of getting rid of laying papers all over the house. When puppies are first introduced into a home, their first instinct is to pee in certain spots. That way they mark their territory and let you now that they are comfortable with their surroundings. As cute as that may be, this is the kind of behavior you’ll want to deter as soon as possible. That’s because, if left unchecked, the puppy will think that it’s ok to just go whenever and wherever he wants. A training pad is a perfect substitute for the papers that people used to put down around the house in the old days. This way you don’t just get rid of the wet spot. You also trap the smell that comes with it.
Puppy training pads should be used in order to discourage your dog to go wherever he wants. But they also can be used to create a special space for them to use in case of emergency. Dog owners might not always be home or able to take their dogs outside to do their business. And so, they should have a special place for their puppy, in order to not force him to hold it in too long. Training pads can be placed in a special container or in a corner of a room and the puppy trained to use them whenever he needs. Granted, this solution isn’t the bets one, because it might develop some unnatural behavior, but it can be a temporary solution till the puppy grows a bit.
Puppy training pads are great for those who also have older dogs. With age, the muscles get weaker and the dogs can’t control their organs as well as before. So accidents are bound to happen from time to time. But if you train your dog to use the pads, he will instinctively at least try and get to them before it’s too late. This way you don’t have to take your dog out multiple times a day and also they can go whenever they need. This method is great especially for those living in apartment buildings or in areas that don’t have a dog park nearby or even a lot of green space around. They don’t have to force their dogs to go at certain times of the day, and also they don’t have to rush them or strain them in any way.