
Are you a cat lover? Do your cat scratches, chews or self-bites her skin? This behavior may be because of fleas on cats. Fleas are parasites and cat can get fleas anytime. These fleas are rigid and hard to remove from the fur of cats. Fleas suck the blood of your furry pal hence it is important that you control it. Let’s get jumped into some of the various ways how you can rid fleas out of your cat and stop self-biting of your cat.
Spot-On Treatment:
Spot-On treatment is more convenient, safer, and easy to apply on the cat. Various non-harsh ways like flea shampoo, flea comb, flea powder, and spray are the best to apply on cats to remove the fleas Regular use of such stuff removes the fleas.
Hygiene Environment:
Because fleas are one of the rigid insects, you may not know when it can attack cat. Hence, you need to identify the environment where your cat rambles. You need to clean those areas very well. Carpets and doormats are the home of fleas from where fleas can come on cats. Hence, wash it on a regular basis or vacuum it.
The effective way of controlling the fleas is to use shampoo or soap. Use normal mild shampoo to clean the cat and soap which are non-scented and natural. If your cat has very short hair, you can also use comb. This habit will prevent your cat from fleas and ticks.
Use of Traps:
There are many traps available to attract and kill fleas effectively. You can place sticky paper sheet or duct tape or a mixture of soap and water near a light which are the most favorite place of fleas. The traps will reduce flea infestation.
Oral Flea Medicine:
Cat has a problem of parasites, fleas and ticks. Use oral flea tick medicine for cats available in the form of liquid or tablets, which is the perfect way to control the fleas and ticks. One common myth in cat lover is liquid medicine will reduce the fur of your cat. But you should read ingredient of the medicine before you give it to the cat and use it as and when needed. If you are hesitating to use such a medicine you can choose homeopathic or natural ways to control fleas.
Let’s protect your kitty from fleas before it spread the infection to human. You may not remove the fleas permanently, but definitely, control them.