
All pets have requirements and when you welcome one in your home, you have to adapt to their living conditions and great a great environment. For instance, if you adopt or buy a bird of any kind, the first thing you need is a cage. It is their home, where they will spend most of the time, and you need to create a very welcoming and comfortable living space. There are many aspects to keep count of when you purchase bird cages.
Cages are also required for other small animals, such as rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, but these are made differently. These animals always require Timothy hay, because they love to chew, they need to wear down growing teeth, and their digestive system requires it. The good news is that you can find it at pet shops, and you can purchase large batches to have around and not run out.
Why Bird Cages Are Important
It is easy to be overwhelmed when you see the variety of bird cages available on the market. Some are round, others are square, they have different colors, and sizes. However, once you follow some basic guidelines, it will not be hard to find the right model. Keep in mind that it will be your bird’s living space, and it needs to be adequate and safe. Otherwise, your companion will not feel comfortable and will soon develop unwanted behavior.
Among the first aspects you need to consider is location. Where do you plan to put the cage? The space must be away from drafts and windows, but in the same time around active parts of your home, so that your bird becomes sociable and friendly. Size is an essential aspect, and based on the type of bird you have, you will purchase an appropriate cage. Smaller birds may be fine with smaller cages, but larger species require large cages.
Bird cages should be large enough for your bird to spread its wings, flap them around, and to walk around in peace. Don’t forget that you will position other elements inside, so make sure there is room for everything. Food and water bowls will be placed inside, along with perches, swings, and toys. It is better to purchase a larger cage, otherwise you will notice your companion starting to get depressed, to scream, bite, and pluck feathers.
What Is Timothy Hay
If you have a small animal, especially one that likes to chew all the time, then you might be familiar with hay. Your companion requires plenty of it for its digestive system to function normally and to wear down growing teeth. One example of popular grass is Timothy hay , which is in fact dried perennial grass. The plant grows to an impressive height, and it is used to feed horses, livestock, deer, and your small companions.
The grass is very nutritious, delicious, and munched by furry rodents with pleasure at all times. Considering that their teeth grow constantly, they need to wear them down and instead of trimming them, they can be kept under control naturally, by nibbling on dried grass. Hay is easily digestible, and it maintains your pet’s bowel movements firm.
How Much Timothy Hay
If you wonder how much Timothy hay you should provide your companion, the answer is daily, and in good measure. Aside from it, include also fresh water and pellets. Some treats now and then will make them happier. If you think you should grow the grass or go out to pick it, there is no need to. In fact, you can find it nicely packed at pet shops.
There are different flavors available as well, just in case you want to switch things up and add something new to your pet’s taste buds. Timothy hay differs from other types of dried grass, because it is high in fiber and low in protein. Some products differ, depending on the brand you shop from, but once you pull out the hay from the package, it should have a sweet grassy smell.
Where to Buy
The location from where you buy the hay matters greatly, because you should provide your furry companion only the highest quality meals. Whenever you purchase the product, it should have a green color and if you nice a moldy odor, don’t give it to your pet, it means it is spoiled. Nowadays, you can find reviews on every product, so there are fewer risks of purchasing something of low quality.
If your pet eats well and feels good on the inside, it will show. The fur will be shiny and soft, and this means you have a healthy companion that benefits from a well-balanced meal. Aside from hay, you can also include in their diets some fresh greens, herbs, and flowers. Every type of pet has dietary requirements, so make sure you are well informed.
Bird Cages Features
Whenever you look for bird cages, make sure you know what you are buying, what works best for your feathered friend, and how to keep it safe and sound. This brings us to bar spacing. Small birds should not be able to squeeze through the bars, otherwise they can get out, hurt themselves, or fly out the window. The same principle applies to larger birds, especially if you don’t want them to get stuck between the bars.
Another important aspect is to focus on cages that have horizontal bars, so that your companion can climb and exercise. The shape of the cage matters as well, and many specialists claim that angled cages are better, due to the psychological impact they have. You can place them on stands or hang them. Pet shops have a variety to choose from, so that should not be an issue.
Always make sure that cages are designed from high-quality materials, they don’t have loose parts, they are sturdy, and don’t have sharp edges. Stainless steel is a popular and appreciated material, because it is non-toxic, and you can clean it easily. If you invest in a solid product, you and your bird will enjoy it for many years.