
What does Electrotherapy consist of in Physiotherapy?
Do you know that electrotherapy can be used to treat patients suffering from pain? You might have heard of electrotherapy but may not have given it a thought that it is one of the treatment approaches used by physiotherapists. The word electrotherapy may sound a little scary, but it is not what it sounds like. Electrotherapy uses short electrical signals that interfere with neural brain transmission. These unique signals slow down the message transmitted towards the brain, thereby giving pain relief.
Electrotherapy treats chronic pain, pain associated with nerve injury, musculoskeletal injury, muscle wasting. The therapy uses well-controlled electrical stimulation on the targeted surfaces of the body with the help of multiple devices.
What is Electrotherapy
An electrotherapy is a treatment approach used in the medical health sector to help relieve them from chronic musculoskeletal pain. As the word implies, therapy makes use of electrical stimulations on the targeted affected region of the body, which helps in reducing pain. Electrotherapy is used by physiotherapists who are specialists and experienced healthcare providers. The therapy allows physiotherapists to treat various pain conditions, right from musculoskeletal pain to pain associated with arthritis.
Benefits of Electrotherapy
Electrotherapy has vast application in physiotherapy. It is used for the treatment of various musculoskeletal pain and other conditions associated with pain like arthritis. This non-invasive technique has numerous benefits with minimal side effects, a few of which are listed below
Helps in reducing pain
Helps in alleviating nerve pain
Promotes wound healing
Reduces muscular spasm
Improves musculoskeletal pain and promotes faster recovery
Improves the blood circulation of the body
Consult a physical therapist for Electrotherapy, Fremont, CA, to relieve your pain within a few therapy sessions.
Types of Electrotherapy
There are different types of electrotherapy used which vary according to the amount of current applied to the electrodes of the electrotherapy devices, their frequency waveforms, and their overall effect over the affected region. However, the common types of electrotherapy used by physical therapists at Electrotherapy, Fremont, CA, are
TENS Therapy: Also called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator therapy. It is one of the methods used to relieve pain without any medications. The therapy ideally makes use of tiny electrodes that are attached to the affected area. Current is sent to the site of pain through these electrodes, which stimulate the nerve endings, creating a tingling sensation, reducing pain. The stimulation helps in the production of natural painkillers. This is a safe procedure since it is a non-invasive procedure; however, a few patients may complain of allergic reactions from the conductive gel used or the material of the electrodes.
PENs Therapy: It is also called percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy. This therapy provided electrical stimulations with the help of tiny needles which penetrate inside the skin of the affected area and hence the name percutaneous. These needle electrodes deliver the stimulation closer to the nerve endings of just below the muscles of the affected region. This makes the nerves comparatively less sensitive to pain.
PEMF Therapy: Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy helps in relieving pain after undergoing surgery. This therapy makes use of electromagnetic fields in relieving pain. It enables the patients to get back their normal health who recently met with an accident or suffered an injury. The therapy helps the injured bone fuse usually, thus enhancing the strength and waving off the risk of poor bone development.
EMS Therapy: The electrical muscle stimulation is somewhat similar to the technique used in TENS therapy. The difference is that the electrical stimulation is targeted towards weakened muscles instead of the nerve endings. This helps the muscles to contract and regain their strength and function. It can be used for rehabilitation of the forces which are suffering from chronic pain.
Galvanic Stimulation Therapy: the physical therapist at Electrotherapy, Fremont, CA, advises galvanic stimulation therapy for those suffering from acute pain due to recent injuries or trauma. The damage may or may not be associated with bleeding and swelling of the injured area. The therapy makes use of direct current. One of the electrodes reduces the blood circulation of the injured area, thereby preventing excess blood loss. While the other electrode reduces heat, it increases blood circulation, thus promoting healing.
Interferential Current Therapy: This therapy uses higher frequency waves(4000 Hz). It works similar to TENS therapy, the difference being that it penetrates more deeply under the skin. Interferential current therapy is widely used for improving motion, circulatory disorders and is also helpful in reducing swelling and muscular spasms.
Before you opt for electrotherapy, be wise in selecting the right physical therapist. It is used as an adjunct with other physiotherapy treatment approaches. The physiotherapist will decide whether you need electrotherapy for your problem.