
There are so many ups and downs throughout pregnancy that it’s hard to wrap your head around how you’re feeling and what you need (aside from a really, really long nap). As a new or experienced mom, you’re about to start a whole new role: mommy of one, mother of two, mama to an entire tribe, or something like that. Despite your new position, you’re still you. When you’re not up for your typical routine or interested in your usual hobbies, and are spending a lot of time thinking about this new life you’re bringing into the world, you’re still you.
You Have Your Own Tastes
For the sake of being true to yourself, you don’t have to suffer through sad, shapeless clothing during pregnancy. You had a sense of fashion before you got pregnant, right? Put it to good use, mama! That can seriously help you feel like yourself, so you truly enjoy this time of your life while uncovering new and totally amazing things about yourself. Wear cute pieces if you feel like it. Put on loungewear if that’s your jam. The world of maternity clothing and pregnancy solutions has made some extensive improvements, and you’ll see for yourself how good it feels to satisfy your fashion-forward tastebuds.
You Can Take Time to Care
Make time to practice self-care, whatever that means to you right now, so you feel ready physically and emotionally to tackle the whole creating a new life thing. While it might feel easy to just crash on the couch and zone out on social media, fit in a quick stretch and a snack beforehand to get the movement and nutrition your body needs.
Caring about what you put on your body is also pretty crucial at this time. Consider making swaps in your beauty cabinet for mama-safe formulas and invest in a pregnancy-safe belly oil for your bump to help prevent stretch marks and ease the discomfort and itch that can sometimes accompany stretching skin. You can treat yourself to something a little luxurious and give your baby bump some love because you’re allowed to care about yourself too, you know?
You’re Able to Appreciate Your Body
Some women love their new pregnancy figure, embracing it whole-heartedly, while others might feel a little less enthused about these changes. No matter where you sit on that body image spectrum, you can still appreciate your body. It’s going through a crazy amazing process and continues to support you regardless of your pant size. On that note, have you ever worn well-designed maternity pants? They accommodate every kind of belly and pant size, showing you how clothes are supposed to fit bodies and bellies all the time, which might just help you embrace and appreciate your body and all the changes (or at least give yourself some credit). It’s still your body, mama!
There are all different stages of motherhood, and sure, being “Mom” is a major change, but you’re still you. You’re just a super badass, mom version of you—be proud of it! Although it’s awesome to embrace all the changes, you don’t have to become someone else. You can still be yourself in a pair of maternity pants, laughing with your partner, sneaking a couple of extra bites of ice cream, or taking a well-deserved nap. Hey, it’s just as good a strategy as any. Just know that you’ve got this, mama.
For all of you new and experienced, soon-to-be mamas—HATCH has you covered. Their curated collections of maternity clothing, mama-safe skincare, and helpful content get you all the way from pre- to post-pregnancy with real support. HATCH is dedicated to helping the mamas of the world feel sexy, stylish, and comfortable—because you’re still allowed to be you. You can wear pieces that actually flatter your figure (hello, chic maternity dresses), use beauty and wellness techniques, and read blog posts for you and your bump. As your body and way of life undergo some serious changes, turn to HATCH for thoughtful, nurturing solutions and a fun, supportive community. They work to fill each moment with beauty, laughter, loveliness, and sincerity. In short—pregnant or not, they’ve got you, mama.
Find solutions for every unique mama-to-be with HATCH at
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