
Minimum number of players: 2
Maximum number of players : 6
Deal in the game:
101 pools: Min 2 & Max 101.
201 pools: Min 3 & Max 201.
Decks used: 2
Printed jokers:2
Drops: Available
Drop score: a) 101 pool: 20 b) 201 pool: 25
Middle drop: a) 101 pool: 40 b) 201 pool: 50
Full count: 80
Split: Allowed (6 players table)
Re-join: Allowed (6 players table)
Cards Dealt: 13
Pool rummy is a type of the 13 card rummy game played amongst 2 to 6 members. The player with the least score wins at the end of game. Pool rummy is an exciting, gripping and simple game! Play pool rummy online now at!
No new player will be able to join the table once the game of pool rummy has started.
Variant 1: With joker-In this variant, a wild card is taken out of the shut deck arbitrarily and put under it, which is known as the joker slot.
Variant 2: Without joker-In this variant, only the printed jokers are considered as jokers for that particular game.
In case a player has disconnected in the middle of the game, the system would wait for 45 seconds, in addition to an extra time of maximum one minute (in the complete hand) for the player to reconnect.
If the player fails to reconnect, his/her turn would be missed. If the player is unable to connect for the third time, then his/her hand would be dropped.
This is treated as the middle drop, and points for it would be awarded to the player.
At the end of a Pool Rummy game, the winner wins cash as follows:
Winnings amount = (Entry Fee) X (Number of Players) – fees.
E.g.: Players pay a fixed entry fee which is used to form the prize pool. Winner of every deal gets 0 points and the rest accumulate points which are added to their score.
The amount will be credited to the winner's account after deduction of a nominal fees.
The player who reaches the mentioned pool points should be knocked-off.
When a players gets eliminated he can rejoin (he/she needs to satisfy the conditions for re-joining a particular game) the game by paying the entry fee.
Split prize can happen only when there are 2-3 players left on the table, and split can happen only in between 2 players left on the table when the game started with 3 players.
Experience the best online pool rummy in India now at!