
I can recall the first time someone handed me a bottle of COLD SNAP: I was managing a restaurant in Boulder, Colorado in 2001 and starting to feel the early signs of a cold. I told a co-worker, who gave me her almost-empty bottle of COLD SNAP. "Take two capsules every twenty minutes until the rest of the bottle is gone. You'll feel fine tomorrow." She was right, I did. I was highly impressed at the effectiveness and another loyal fan was born. Over the next few years, I went on to get Master's degree in Oriental Medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder. Upon graduation, I sought a job with the company I had always thought of as "The Cold Snap Company." The stars aligned and I got the job, fell in love with the company and the other formulas. I realized the business was much more than "The Cold Snap Company." I don't think I had worked there more than a few months when the idea, or hope, of eventually owning the business cropped up. I feel honored and blessed that it worked out and I can't wait to see what the future brings for OHCO.
My favorite formula is always fluctuating, but I have a strong affinity for EYE CHING. For as long as I can remember, I have been prone to red, itchy eyes. EYE CHING works fast and it's incredibly effective. I just love it. But then there is CHI'LL OUT…I could tell you some stories about my love for CHI'LL OUT. Oh, and STOMACH CHI, it has saved me, my family and my dog many times. Truly, I love them all!
Jennifer has a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from Boston College in Chestnut Hill, MA and a Master's degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, CO.