
Most Treacherous Act By President Biden
There are strong warnings in the Bible regarding this satanic Beast (666) we’re facing today! God want us to be prepared to meet this beast face to face head-on, and as David did to Goliath, destroy it before it destroys you and me as well as the USA!
We Christians had better quit sitting on our Hands and Stand-up against this Lying Crooked Federal RESERVE before it’s too late!
On March 9, 2022 President Biden Signed an Order for 24-7 Surveillance of all US Citizens. Without the consent of Congress, the states, or the people of the United States.
“The US dollar will be made obsolete. Soon, your cash will be confiscated or simply be worthless paper.” This is what Jim Rickards (former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense) believe Section 4 of Biden’s Order means for all Americans.
New, programmable digital tokens will replace the current monetary currency. However, few people outside of the deep state realize Biden's action for what it is.
If Jim’s predictions are correct, this is more sinister than simply replacing the cash dollar with a newly digitized version. This new money will give the government complete authority over all American citizens. Because the government will program every “digital dollar”, that means they will be able to “turn on or off” your money at will. Not only that, but they’ll be able to TRACK and RECORD every purchase you make. This is not the same as "online banking," and it has nothing to do with cryptocurrency.
The digital dollar means Dems would be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment they don’t like.
Christians are between a rock and a hard place! If they don’t cooperate and take this new FEDERAL digital electric money, they’re putting themselves in LIMBO, whereby they won’t be able to purchase what they need to survive! Unless they barter within a closed community, where they can trade for essentials and services! Everybody needs God, community, food, water, bartering material, i.e. physical assets like ‘gold & silver’ plus Energy & Protection! On the other hand, receiving this FREE digital electric money could be the biggest mistake they make in their life, and they could be in Big Trouble with God Almighty!
The world and atheists would turn deaf to what’s being said anyway. Within this book “Defund the Beast!” by Jerry O. Roberg is plenty of evidence to keep Christians from taking the mark of the Beast (666). Many believe getting involved with this Federal Reserve’s ‘Crypto Dollar ‘is the beginning of something that could cause you or me to lose our salvation!
Christians must come to grips with this mark of the Beast mentioned in the book of Revelation, chapters 11 & 13. Will using this new digital currency cause you or me to join hands with Satan and his One World System and become members of Satan’s synagogue that Jesus warned us about in Revelation chapters 2 & 3? Is this part of the one world government or entity that JOHN called THE BEAST (666) in the book of Revelation?
Please understand that during these end times, there will only be two types of CHRISTIAN: PERSECUTED & PROSECUTED!
It’s late in the game, my Christian friends, and we had better wake up!