
Mandukyopanishad as well as Mundakopanishad and prasnopanishad belong to Atharvana Veda. Mandukyopanishad is a short Upanishad consisting only of twelve mantras, but it is something unique. If the vision of the Upanishads is presented in a separate book of verse, it is called a "Karika". This Mandukya Karika is written by Gaudapadacarya, the grand guru of Sankaracarya. Gaudapadacarya's karika is an independent work of 215 verse on Mandukyopanishad. It is not a commentary, but is still dealing with the subject matter and is expanded to 215 verse. Sankaracarya extended his commentary on the Mandukyopanishad to include the Karika as well. It is said if one understands Mandukyopanishad, moksa is for sure.
Mandukya Upanisad with Karika and Sankaracharya's Commentary (Set of 2 Volumes)
Item Code : UAS053
Author : Divyajnana Sarojini Varadarajan
Publisher : Selva Nilayam, Coimbatore
Language : Sanskrit Text With English Translation
Edition : 2020
Pages : 1550
Cover : Hardcover
Other Details : 8.80 x 5.80 Inch
Weight : 2.04 KG