
Is Yoga Beneficial or is It a Myth?
If you’re thinking about taking up yoga, you couldn’t have made a better decision! But some of your friends are sceptic and tell you to hit the gym instead.
Is yoga a myth or does it actually have health benefits?
Take out your yoga mat because the exercise actually has numerous health benefits.
Here are a few of them:
Great for Flexibility and Strength
Yoga stretches your muscles and practicing standing poses work the muscles in the lower body, and exercises like downward dog and arm balances strengthen the upper body.
A Better Posture
Many poses in yoga can strengthen the core muscles in your stomach and back. A strong core leads to a better posture, which can help prevent back and neck problems.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Yoga involves breathing exercises that force you to pay attention to your breath. Deep breathing can help you relax almost instantly, which can help relieve stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety eat away at the nerves. When you do deep breathing, you’ll automatically release tension from the muscles and feel negative energy leaving your body.
Reduce low back pain
Practicing yoga for several months may ease chronic low back pain, help you function better, and enrich your quality of life. You’ll be using your body and muscles more, strengthening them and improving their usage.
Improve sleep
Yoga has been shown to be helpful for sleep in studies of older adults, people with arthritis, pregnant women, and other groups.
Exercise in general helps improve sleep because it releases dopamine but yoga also detoxifies your mind.
These are just some of the many benefits of yoga.
If you want to learn more about yoga or want to read a novel about it, we recommend Finding Warrior Pose by Priya Doty.
Set in India, Finding Warrior Pose is about a 30-something woman named Jaya Gupta, who is being pressured into getting married by her parents. She soon learns of an old ‘ashram’ that was stolen from her family years earlier.
Determined to learn more, Jaya makes a bold decision to set off on a six-month trip to the ashram to learn yoga, unaware of the dangers that are lying ahead.
The book is available on Amazon and Kindle.