
In washing a gel or gel topper pillow, you should always wash the cooling gel pillow by hand. Try baking soda to eliminate the odour if your pillow stinks. You may clean the stains with soap and water for a gel cushion with stains.
Technique 1: Stains and marks removal
Take the case off
Remove the pillow case and wash it as directed on the care tag before cleaning your pillow. Most instances may be washed by machine. This manner, when you have washed, you will have a clean case on the cushion.
● It is better to wash hands or dry if you have silk pillows.
● Before you wash them, read the label.
● Mix soap with water until the water is covered with bubbles.
● Combine 1-2 cups of water and a few drops of dish soap in a medium-sized basin.
● Mix until the water is covered with bubbles.
● If you have difficulty in building bubbles, add a few extra drops of dish soap to the water and continue sifting.
If your pillow has a foul odor add vinegar to the mixture
● Add 1–2 teaspoons (15–30 mL) of vinegar to the soapy water when the pillow/stain has a strong aroma.
● Remove quickly.
● Even very strong fragrances, such as wine or oils, are removed by vinegar.
Use white vinegar where feasible. Other vinegar kinds might leave a film over the pillow behind.
To rub the bubbles on the discoloration, use a wet towel
● Rub the pillow softly on the moistened clothor sponge, then rub it until the stain is gone.
● A few times before the stain buds, you mayneed to use the soap again.
When the stain is gone, but a shadow remains behind the gel, attempt to immediately puta drop of dish soap on the bamboo pillow and flake it to the surface.
To remove persistent stains, use a cotton bucket soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide
If your stain has a harder one, such blood or oil, plug in the end of a cotton swab, which you can purchase in the food shop,in 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then, brush back and forth the cotton swab over the stain until it goes off.
Wipe the cushion with a wet towel once the stain is gone to eliminate any residual peroxide of hydrogen.
Before reinstalling the cover, let the cushion dry fully. Let the cushion dry for at least 2 hours in a well-ventilated location. Touch the pillow for 2 hours and then place the pillow in the cover to ensure that it's totally dry.
In order to accelerate the procedure, after using soap and water, you may wash the surface of the pillow with a dry cloth.
Technique 2: Use baked soda for odour removal
Take the cushion cover off
Remove the protective cover if your cushion is covered with a slip or pillowcase. Checkthe cover tag for care and wash the cover or pillow case in the washing machineor manually as directed.
● Do not forget to wash and slide yourpillowcase every 2 weeks to make your pillow fresh.
● Bake soda over the pillow, sprinkle2 teaspoons (28.8 grammes).
● Baked soda is an excellentdeodorizer that may be used to refresh various surfaces such as gel and memoryfoam.
● Coat the whole pillow on one end ofthe pillow in a coating of soda.
You mightbe obliged to use 3-4 teaspoons (43.2-57,6 grammes) for the surface if you havea large or European-style pillow.
● Let the pillow sit for 30 minuteswith baked soda.
● Let the pillow sit as the bakingsoda absorbs the fragrance from the coolingpillow gel cushion's surface.
● Let the baking soda rest overnighton the pillow if feasible.
● Try to place it in a big bag withbaking soda for 1-2 days if the pillow has a very unpleasant scent.
● The baking soda has the time toabsorb the scents.
● Put your pillow in a spot, such asthe top of a cupboard or inside the closet, if you have kids or dogs.
To remove baking soda, use the brush attachment of a vacuum.
When thebaking soda absorbs the fragrance of the pillow, it completely vacuums thesurface. Put the brush on the pillow to ensure that all the baking soda isgone. Work in parts.
● Before using it on your pillow, make sure the vacuum is cleanedand dried.
● Some steps from the vacuum may beneeded to remove all bakery soda.
● Run your hand through the pillowafter the first pass.
Fill it up again, if it still seems gritty.
It may bea bit hard to clean your cooling gel pillow, but perhaps the things you havelearnt will enable you to understand how they are to be cleaned.
You notonly care for your head and neck and also improve sleep quality when you takegood care of your pillows. Enough sleep at this time is really crucial.