
Things such as old utensils,broken furniture, worn-out or useless electrical appliances, and old newspaperscan be found in any regular household. In order to keep the house clean,organised and clutter-free, it becomes essential to discard them on a routinebasis. This is where skip bins come in to homeowners’ rescue. Using skip bins is the most competent and affordable method of waste disposalin the Australian sub-continent.
But first, what are skipbins? The word ‘skip’ is derived from the word ‘skep’ that was used to refer toa basket (or rubbish carts), mostly in Australia and New Zealand. Skip binsfirst came into use way back in 1922 but the real practice of using these binsfor the disposal of household and commercial waste developed a bit later in thecentury.
Kinds of skip bins
Skip bins in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne or other cities areessentially huge and durable open topped containers that are designed in a waythat they can be loaded onto special trucks for getting transported todifferent sites. They pick up waste from one location and carry it to anotherfor recycling or safe disposal.
These bins are availablein various sizes and can be either hired or purchased, depending on thecustomer’s requirements and preference. Skip bins can be used in householdcleaning, commercial cleaning or even for industrial/ commercial clean ups.
With increased awarenessabout skip bins in Sydney, more andmore people are now hiring these large containers for their annual springcleaning, move in- move out cleaning as well as repair and renovation works.
Skip bins in Melbourne not only make things easier for theconsumers but also for the society at large since skip bin companies ensurethat all the waste collected is disposed of in a responsible manner and notjust emptied into waste fields. Whatever can be salvaged and recycled is sentto recycling plants and only a minimal amount of garbage ends up in thelandfills, thereby protecting the environment.
Loading waste in skip bins
Skip bins suppliersusually cast a ‘level fill’ on the walls of their containers so the customersknow not to put waste in them above a certain point. This is important tofollow because any materials falling out of the bins in the process of loading/unloading/ transporting can pose a risk to the safety of people on the roads.The customers are also advised on what kind of materials can be put into theskip bins because some items may be prohibited.
While using a skip bin, itis also advisable to place the heavier and bigger items at the bottom; thelighter ones at the top. One should try and avoid air gaps as much as possibleand any plastic sheets or cardboard box panels (that are supposed to be discardedanyway) can always be used as covers for other items in the bins.
While ordering a skip bin,irrespective of hire or purchase, one should always ensure the credibility oftheir seller. Comparing and checking the different sellers’ reviews, ratings andindustry experience is always a good idea before making an investment.
Good luck with yourcleaning endeavours!
Author Bio: Australia based New Bridge Services is alicensed manufacturer and direct supplier of a wide range of industrial andconstruction- support products. Theseinclude skip bins, hook lift bins, and scaffolding equipment. To check the entire range and get brochures,log on to