Hernia Diet - What Should I Eat/Avoid ?
Hernia Diet - What Should I Eat/Avoid ?
Hernia is a medical word for a condition in which a portion of an internal organ, such as the stomach, protrudes through the surrounding muscle or tissue wall.

Hernia is a medical word for a condition in which a portion of an internal organ, such as the stomach, protrudes through the surrounding muscle or tissue wall.

Types of Hernia

Hernia Diet - What Should I Eat/Avoid ?

Hernia is a medical word for a condition in which a portion of an internal organ, such as the stomach, protrudes through the surrounding muscle or tissue wall.

Types of Hernia

The following are the most frequent forms of hernias:

Inguinal hernia

This form of hernia occurs when a portion of the intestine protrudes through the inner thigh, near the groin.