Get home-based counseling services Online | Drugcarts
Get home-based counseling services Online | Drugcarts
We treat people to overcome the Stress,Relationship breakdown Traumas & all Psychological problems without medicine. Speak to your Psychologist @Drugcarts.

Get home-based counseling services Online | Drugcarts


Counselling is an advice where therapist or professional expert gives to someone at particular problem. Normally speaking, counseling falls in the space of “Talking therapy” that promotes and encourages people to speak out about their feelings in a private and confidential environment with concern.

A talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helps to find way with emotional issues.”

The counselor provides the person with the much needed a free space where the person can be themselves and speak out with their feelings and about how they actually feel, without the fear of being conclude or attack and also without any unsought advice.

Patient with comfort of being able to speak out without any limitation and having to confirm that any predictable has been found to be quite beneficial with many of individuals.

After the detail understanding the person’s situation, the counselor advises him and encourages a way that improves his situation..

Drugcarts provide our well trained and compassionate counselors provide unidentified support therapy through Audio and Video calls for counseling sessions at home.

Although we don’t believe and seeking counseling help with any shame , counselors will respect our client’s wishes and strictly adhere to their needs.

Counseling today plays a very important role in the well being of an individual patients hearing the problems and ending their life, just because they cannot deal with their stress and frustration.

It is important to know that counselors can approach anyone and completely up on them with complete confidentiality.

Absolutely often people run away for the recommendation of a counselor, as that people believe that counseling is only for emergency situation, but they won’t notice that counseling can help with being as simple as reaching a goal.

A counselor offers a helping hand to people who come to them ignoring of their needs and pull them out of their mental weakness.

Moreover it is better to find a help rather than keep quiet and suffer.

You always choose to stop the counseling when you feel you are fine and made recovery.

There is no compulsion to continue with the counseling session when you find yourself mentally fit to lead to happy and stress free life.

Unstably, we are living in a very aggressive world with a lot of pressure to perform and be in the society’s standard ‘successful’, it leads to induce stress in an individual.

Stress leads to a many issues like depression, low self – esteem and anxiety, if untreated can be fatal.

Generally family and friends serve as our support system but there are many people who are unable to explain their distress and as such they need counselor to find out their problems.

• Work Stress: The work environment as a leading cause of stress in the working population shows the unrealistic pressures and deadlines set up by the head of company.

• Anger and stress is carried by the work forward by individuals to their home thus, affects their personal life too.

• Often individuals are not able to come out from their problem on their own and such that they need the help of counselors to get rid of mental weakness and a way to overcome their current issues.

• With this refreshed mind and renewed energy will be better able to handle their professional and personal life.

• Depression & Anxiety: It fills you are not feeling well that will distress your body changes with in sleep and diet patterns.

• Our expert counselors with help to regain “yourself” again.

• You can take home based counseling service at your home counselors will visit at a time and as the day you decided.

• Grief Counselling: Losing a loved one is always going to be very hard, but you cannot stop living.

• We understand that most people find themselves unable to overcome their grief.

• Overcome this problem a counseling therapy is extremely needed. Our counselors will help you to overcome the difficult period, and help you find your way again in this world and live a happy life just as your loved one. Counseling is strongly suggested for people feeling for to the following issues:

• Pregnancy & post-pregnancy: A great task for taking care of that little bunch of joy besides taking care of career, family and everything else makes mentally weakness.

• Counselors lead you a patient ear and a positive approach that went out worries and enjoy motherhood.

• Health Problems & Chronic Diseases: A person suffering from any cause of chronic diseases often fined themselves caught they lose the strength and depression.

• Our counselors help them overcome such a mindset and make them mentally fit to fight with their problems with new strength.

• Behavioural Issues: We recognize the reason behind your behavioral issues and our counselor’s will help you calm down and slowly makes to regain yourself.

• Family & Relationships: We help you bring back you in the relation and help you find common grounds like spark for sustaining the marriage.

• Your family/ relationship will become your precious assets, not the cause of your stress.


The first session there would be lot anxiety and nervousness and the counselors are completely aware know that a how to overcome your problem.

The principle of the entire program that be relaxed and be yourself.

There would be lot of question from both sides it should be honestly answered.

The counselor is your professional friend who will provide you an ear but won’t be socializing with you.

Some of the questions asked by the counselor in the first session are;

• Why you undergo therapy?

• Details about your personal history and present life

• Current symptoms

Also try and shed your reservations and be open, be truthful and patient too can ask questions to your counselor.

From the counseling therapy you need to be completely honest with your feelings to gain positive outcome.

The drug cart services of trained and compassionate counselors to conduct sessions from the comfort at your home via Audio calls, Video calls or offer home based counseling services.

Overall we can only say, don’t be stressed about your issues there is nothing wrong with you that is causing you shame.

Our experts will lead you a little push to help you find yourself anew and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

It covers a variety of health, health-related services that individuals assists the functional limitations due to physical, cognitive, or mental conditions or disabilities with the support. The goal of Long term care service is to facilitate optimal functioning among people with disabilities

Long-term care it’s very expensive. Accordingly health plans and programs need routinely cover long-term care at home or in nursing service.

Our Expertise

Specialist will receive the full care from the patient,

Commitment to quality

Its due to nursing excellence & innovations in professional .

Bio-psychosocial Approach

The patient will integrate physical, psychological and social issues for the patients.


Taking care of the personal responsibility and sharing information.

Cost Consciousness

We provide the highest quality service in the most cost-effective manner.

24*7 Support

Our service are planned to respond quickly from health care service to ambulance

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Mukesh was excellent with the service and he was able to diagnose the problem very soon and gave the right treatment.

Rakesh was excellent with the service and he was able to diagnose the problem very soon and gave the right treatment.

For enquiries, bookings or support and other details give a missed call @ +91 9920611567