
8 ICO Smart Contract Features
8 ICO Smart Contract Features
Crowdfunding using ICOs?
Congratulations! ICOs are a great choice for crypto project fundraising. But there are things you need to know about before you start.
Hopefully, this series will help you get started with ICOs and how they can work for you.
What are Smart Contracts?
Smart Contracts are self-executing programs that work based some set criteria.
They are totally hands-free and tamper-proof. Once you implement a smart contract, it cannot by altered by anyone. This helps establish trust with your investors.
8 Key ICO Smart Contract Features
Capped Contracts
The Capping features allows you to set price caps, depending on what your minimum funding goal is to start the project and what your maximum goal is.
Mintable Tokens
What do you do when you’ve exhausted all your tokens but still have investors coming? You can mint extra coins which the ERC20 tokens standard doesn’t cover.
Multistig Contracts
For transactions that need multiple signatures to be approved, multistig contracts are a great option.
Finalizable Contracts
Enables you to add extra finalizations once the crowdsale is finished.
Upgradable Contracts
Allows you to upgrade contracts and transfer tokens to new contracts,as your campaign progresses.
Refundable Contracts
If your campaign Was to unfortunately be unsuccessful in meeting.The funding soft-cap for starting the project,you can easily refund the investor’s money.
Burnable Tokens
You can burn unused tokens after a crowdsale by sending them to a sealed wallet, increasing the value of your tokens.
Time Vault Contracts
Allows you to establish time limits, before which a user won’t be able to withdraw their tokens.
Thanks For Reading
Smart Contracts are one of the most remarkable features that blockchain technology offers. These programs provide high levels of flexibility and practicality for enterprise businesses to automate their tasks, seamlessly. So, let’s take a look at how Smart Contracts benefit ICOs, what the features are, and how you can make the most out ofthem for your Blockchain Project.
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