
Obtaining access tokens is a crucial operation for most work with the Brightcove APIs, since most of them use access tokens to authenticate requests. For a full explanation of access tokens,
An access token (Access Token Swap Platform Development) is an object used by the Windows operating system to describe a process or thread security context. Access tokens are used by the system to identify the user who owns the process and whether the thread has the required privileges when attempting to perform system tasks.
Access Token
When someone connects with an application that uses Mi Argentina, the application will be able to obtain an access token that provides temporary and secure access to the APIs of Mi Argentina.
An access token is a random string that identifies a user and can be used by the application to make API calls. The token includes information about when the token will expire and which application generated the token. Due to privacy controls, most API calls in Mi Argentina must include an access token.
- SIDs of the user group to which the user account belongs
- A logon SID identifying the current login session
- A list of privileges for a user or group of users
- Owner's SID
- SID of the basic group
- The default discretionary access control list (DACL) used by the system when a user creates a secure object and no security descriptor is given.
- access token resource
- Is it a primary or impersonation token
- Optional list of restrictive SIDs
- Current impersonation level
- other statistics