FFXIV Pumpkin Cookie emote Guide
Added in patch 6.25, Variant Dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV is a very popular destination for those looking for endgame content, mostly because of the puzzles to solve.
Variant dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV gil are very casual content that can also be completed alone. Players can enter the Sil'Dihn Subterrane Variant Dungeon where they will be asked to choose a door. Each door hides four different scenarios that players can unlock with the V&C Dungeon Finder book.
Players will receive the coveted Silk Mountains upon unlocking all 12 chapters of the book. So the players try to figure out how to get all 12 entries from each other.
Here's how players can unlock each entry in the book to get their Silkie mount.
note one
Players choose the door on the left. When you reach the room with the sacks, pick up the green sack in the northeast corner on top of the ledge, then the yellow sack in the southeast corner on the ground. Place the sacks on the pillar and wait for the seven algae to speak. Stand at the top of the yellow circle on the floor that will lead you to the next room.
After teleporting and eliminating all enemies, a door will appear in front of you and debris will lie on the left. Don't open the door. Wait for Nanamo to finish the conversation, then go around the rubble to the left where you'll find a door. Click on the door to open it. You can then go to the gate and progress through the rest of the instance.
note two
Note two is the same way through the instance except you should skip the door.
grade three
This time when you reach the room with the sacks, select any two sacks that are different from the ones in note one. Eliminate the enemies when the door opens to trigger the puffy wreath, then continue the instance.
Grade Four
Use the same path and mechanics as note three, but don't trigger the puffy circles when the door opens. Avoid them completely and then progress through the rest of the instance.
Grade Five
The door on the right guides the player through the next few notes and one particularly complex note. For clue five: When you reach the winch, go left. Proceed through the instance and select glitter on the final boss.
note six
Continue along the same path as in note five, but select the Fire option before the final boss.
After defeating the first boss, go right instead of left. You come into a room with Drakes. Defeat the drakes from the largest to the smallest. It should be in the order dad, mom, brother, sister and drake. Make sure you also catch the incense in the room with the ghost.
note eight
The next notes are the intermediate paths. After choosing the path, put everything on the scales except the helmet and the fruit, and then pull the lever on the right in the room in front of the boss.
Note Nine
This is the same as note eight, only with the left lever.
Note 10
Before you reach the final boss on the scales, place the helmet on the left side and the scales on the right. Then, right in front of the boss, select the Nard statue on the left.
Note 11
This is the same as note 10, but choose the Thal statue.
Note 12
The Note 12 is hard to come by as it packs a lot of stuff. For this note, the player must go back to the right path. After the first boss, take the elevator to the right. Like in note 7, kill the big and small drakes. When the ghost room is empty, hurry to get the incense. Then approach the coffin and aim for it, but don't interact with it. Do the following expressions one after the other, pausing briefly between each one.
/Kneel down
When Nanamo has a conversation, you know you're doing everything right. Only one person on the team needs to do the emote for the whole team to count.