Favicons - Everything that you need to know
Favicons - Everything that you need to know
As we all know every small detail in a website matters a lot and that can make a huge difference in your website. While a favicon is one of them, let’s know more about it.

Favicons - Everything you need to know

As we all know every small detail in a website matters a lot and that can make a huge difference in your website. One of them is obviously a favicon. It is a small icon, but the most powerful player on the website. It is also known as browser icon, URL icon, bookmark icon, tab icon, and shortcut icon. Hence, before implementing your website design ideas into reality, you should consider favicons as your priority. It looks small but it plays a vital role in a website such as it enhances the usability of the web, supports brand awareness and recognizability, provides quick and easier access, also helps your brand with SEO, and provides a good user experience. It can bring many benefits to your website indirectly. To help you know more about favicons, we as a Jacksonville web design company will help you through a blog on Favicons: Everything you need to know. Hope this will give you some knowledge that will help you create a modern website design.