
The paper recommends ‘green corridors’ as a practical mechanism for the IMO, member states, and industry to focus investments in a manner that enables compliance with a given set of regulations.
WSC outlines 6 pronged strategy to IMO to meet zero carbon shipping goal
A detailed six pronged strategy to transition to decarbonise and reduce GHG emissions from ships has been recommended by the World Shipping Council (WSC) as the way forward for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to pave the way for the shipping industry to achieve its zero carbon emissions goal. WSC, which is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing international liner shipping, has submitted a paper in February to IMO's MEPC titled 'Reduction of GHG Emissions from ships'. The paper examines the current regulatory and economic elements that are critical to IMO's GHG Strategy going forward and expands on six core regulatory and economic elements to meet the zero GHG emissions in 2050 goal set by the industry.
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