Wireless Access Control
Wireless Access Control
Spintly is transforming the physical security industry with it’s fully wireless, cloud based and Smart phone based access control system. It removes the complexity out of the process of deploying an access control solution in a Our Vision is to make the built world smarter and simpler by providing a frictionless access control experience to users and to make the building smarter with our fully wireless mesh platform for smart building devices.

Wireless Access Control


Spintly is transforming the physical security industry with its fully wireless, cloud-based Wireless Access Control and Smart phone-based access control system. It removes the complexity out of the process of deploying an access control solution in a building. With absolutely no wiring the installers can save more than 60% of their time and cost and be more productive. 

Our Vision is to make the built world smarter and simpler by providing a frictionless access control experience to users and to make the building smarter with our fully wireless mesh platform for smart building devices.