
One of the keys to your success is ensuring not just thesafety but also the smooth running of your wind farm. You are aware of this, asare the educated and enthusiastic specialists at Applied Technical Services.This is just one of the many reasons why we provide a comprehensive range ofrope access Wind Turbine Inspection Services and related services – toprovide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that yourmission-critical operations are always operating to their maximum potential.
At Applied Technical Services, we're glad to state that themajority of our inspectors and technicians have several accreditations,qualifications, and licences, allowing us to go above and beyond yourexpectations while also ensuring that the project is completed correctly and onschedule.
Several major players in the wind energy sector noticed theenormous potential of the Indian wind energy market in the late 2000s. One ofthe main Spanish WindTurbine Inspection Services made a large investment in 2012 to openthree new production facilities for wind turbines, towers, and other componentsto enhance the company's manufacturing base in India.
TÜV Rheinland, a global leader in independent inspectionservices, was founded more than 140 years ago to ensure quality and safety forpeople, the environment, and technology in practically every aspect of life.
For organisations all across the world, we check technicalequipment, goods, and services, manage projects, and assist shape procedures.We've been a part of the United Nations Global Compact to promotesustainability and fight corruption since 2006.
We offer a comprehensive service portfolio for the windenergy sector, covering all facet of wind energy projects from site selectionthrough design and manufacturing assistance, as well as operation anddismantling.
The company wanted to create an effective quality controlmethod to verify that the facility and manufacturing were of high quality. TÜVRheinland was chosen for this project because it is a top provider ofthird-party inspection services.
TÜV Rheinland's specialists used extensive quality controlservices to guarantee that vendors supplied construction-related commoditiesthat satisfied the required quality level and complied with all applicableregulations. Raw material analysis, forging dimension measurements, hardnesstesting and mechanical properties evaluation, metallurgic propertiesevaluation, and proof machined testing were among the services provided.
We assist wind energy providers and manufacturers inreducing wind turbine downtime and failure. Our Wind Turbine Inspection Servicesencompass vendor surveillance, installation, and critical operating support forwind turbine installations, and include a wide range of components andmaterials used in Wind Turbine Inspection Services.
Drone usage in the commercial sector is rapidly increasing,and the wind industry is no exception. Wind Turbine Inspection Services,as well as accompanying infrastructure such as feeder poles, collector lines,and electrical substations, can be done with drones. Drones assist businessesin avoiding dangerous man-hours, lowering maintenance, inspection, and repaircosts, and reducing downtime.
COVID-19 is an unprecedented global public health crisisthat has impacted practically every business, and its long-term repercussionsare expected to have an influence on industry growth during the forecastperiod. Our continuous study is enhancing our research approach to guaranteethat fundamental COVID-19 concerns and potential solutions are included. Theresearch examines COVID-19 in light of changes in consumer behaviour anddemand, purchasing patterns, supply chain re-routing, market dynamics, andgovernment involvement. The updated study considers the impact of COVID-19 onthe market and provides insights, analysis, projections, and forecasts.