
Integrations Can Cover Needs Such as Transaction Reporting If the CRM Is Not Able To!
The transaction reporting part of your ISO is one of the most important components. It will heavily influence the success of your company and the results that it will be able to get in the future. So, you need to pay special attention. Even more so when you are looking for a CRM to boost your company growth. Keep in mind that this type of software can take cover your needs through its features and tools, or it may make use of other software such as First Data CRM through the integration process. There are several reasons for which you may want to make use of the integrations.
• Integrations can cover this segment fully. Not every CRM on the market provides your ISO with tools and features that will cover the reporting needs that you have. When you are searching for a reliable CRM, you need to make sure that it can at least integrate with other software that can cover these needs. Although this is not the ideal solution. But you can make use of it if you find a CRM that is compatible with your company from all other points of view.
• Integrations can be used to complement the CRM. The second reason for which you may want to use integrations to cover the transaction reporting needs of your company is to complement the CRM. Maybe the features and tools that it provides are not able to cover everything you need them to. So, you can make use of integration software, such as First Data CRM to boost its capabilities.
• Integrations are only useful as an alternative. The last reason for which you may choose to use integrations is if you already use them before choosing the CRM. How so? Well, you may already use software that takes care of the reporting needs of your ISO. So, when you start using a bigger and more complete CRM, you may choose to integrate the software that you already use. You can do so instead of switching completely to the new one.
Features That You Will Need for the Transaction Reporting Part of Your ISO!
But if you want to find out which situation fits you better, then you need to know what types of features and tools you should expect from a CRM. There are several of them such as transaction reporting that are mandatory for any ISO. The advantages and benefits that the features or integrations such as First Data CRM provide are so big that you simply can’t ignore them. They are one of the most important factors to consider while you choose a CRM to use in the future.
• Centralized platform for reporting purposes. There are many types of reports that you need to have access to at any moment. So, a centralized platform that can provide you this type of access is a mandatory feature. You need to make sure that the CRM of the integrations used can provide you with this type of feature.
• Smart reports and notifications. The reports that the software can provide must be created smartly. The information that they contain must be focused on the important factors. And provide all the details that you will need to make the best use of the reports. Also, you should receive notifications every time a new report that you may need to check is available.
• Choose the information included in the reports. Another essential feature of integration like First data CRM is the ability to choose the information included in the reports. You may want to simplify some of the reports and have them include only the critical parts. Doing this will allow you to better focus on the important decisions that you need to make and provide only the information that you will need at the time.
• Find troublesome merchants with ease. The last type of feature is the ability to detect the merchants that have a high number of disputes or create many problems. Sometimes, you may need to interrupt your collaboration with these clients. But the best alternative is to discuss this matter with all your clients before you start a long-term collaboration. You can avoid this type of situation as much as possible by doing so.
What Other Needs Can Be Covered by Integrations Such as First Data CRM?
Integrations such as First data CRM are not only used for reporting purposes. This type of software can be used for many other goals as well. So, while you search for a reliable CRM, you need to make sure that at least the 3 most important parts are covered by the software. Or that it allows integrations that can help you cover these types of needs.
• Marketing needs. The marketing of an ISO is essential in the beginning stages of the company. After it grows to a certain level, the importance is reduced relative to other factors. Why? Well, the revenue streams of your company will become more diversified. And you will need to focus more on the residuals instead of the revenue brought by new clients. But the marketing part is still very important, and the CRM must help you improve your ISO’s marketing efforts.
• Sales needs. A similar situation applies to the needs of the sales of your company. Their importance will slightly reduce over time. But that does not mean that a CRM should ignore these needs. So, you need to make sure that it provides you all the features such as transaction reporting and tools that you may use to improve the sales results of your company.
• Payment processing. The last essential part that a CRM must cover is payment processing. As an ISO, one of your company's sell-points is the payment processing methods and benefits that it can provide. So, you need to make sure that the CRM can help you accomplish the best results for this part as well. Your company must be able to provide the best methods on the market and ask for the lower fees possible.