
Becoming a successful merchant implies making the right decisions when you have to make them. But there is a catch. Nobody can really tell you how to make those decisions. For instance, choosing the right retail POS solution or the right ecommerce payment processing company can make all the difference for a merchant starting out. But it can also be the point where he makes his biggest mistakes. This is why it is very important for any merchant to do some serious research when it comes to his options, and even try and get some outside help from people that already know the market and have done their fair share of mistakes already. Although some mistakes can be fixed, every one of them comes at a cost.
Why Merchants Make Mistakes When Choosing a Retail POS Solution?
Being a merchant in todays’ global economy means more than juts offering a service or a product to your customers. It means offering a whole experience and trying to make that experience better by improving the way you do business. One of the ways that merchants have improved was by adopting and using new technologies for making their customers feel more secure when shopping and paying. But although tech solutions are available to everyone in a very large selection, some merchants might still make mistakes when it comes to choosing the right solutions for them. This is why many of them might sometimes hesitate when it comes to using new technology.
One of the most common mistakes a merchant can make when choosing a retail POS solution is not knowing exactly what he needs. A retail POS isn’t just the terminal the customer uses on order to initiate a payment. The entire system is composed of several parts that work together in order to make the clients’ interaction with the merchant as pleasant as possible. There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing the right retail POS solution, but making the right decision as to which one to choose might be difficult. This is where mistakes can be made. For instance, if a merchant chooses a retail POS with a cloud based software it might have difficulty operating it when the internet is slow or down. On the other hand, on site software might be more suitable for areas with bad internet connections, but it also requires a bulky terminal and some serious investments in security. A wrong choice at this point can mean a mistake that can be quite costly to fix.
Another mistake many merchants make when having to choose a retail POS solution is that of the hardware. There are a lot of companies that offer hardware especially designed for different types of merchants. This is because different types of businesses can pose different types of challenges, such as wear and tear, work conditions and many more. And so, developers have to come up with a variety of terminals in order to satisfy every merchants’ needs. But when choosing the right terminal as a part of the retail POS solution, merchants sometimes don’t see beyond the bells and whistles. Sometimes they might choose a terminal that wasn’t built for their specific area of business. The harder it is for an employee to work the terminal, the less productive that employee will be. Also, clients might not appreciate an overly sophisticated piece of hardware for small, regular payments. This mistake, although not necessarily a very big one, can take some time to rectify. But it can also be avoided by simply doing some research about what your options are and what are other merchants in your field using.
What Are the Mistakes a Merchant Might Make When Dealing with Ecommerce Payment Processing?
Ecommerce payment processing can be quite difficult to wrap your head around, especially if you are new to the online business world. This is why some merchants might make some mistakes when dealing with ecommerce payment processing. The most frequent one of all is not fully understanding how it works. Ecommerce payment processing, although not brain surgery, takes a little time to understand. It isn’t necessarily very different from regular payment processing, but it does have some fundamental differences that a merchant might need to research before signing up to anything. There can be some different or even hidden fees and charges involved, and that is why merchants should never jump head first into the first thing that they are offered when it comes to ecommerce payment processing. The best way to ensure that this kind of mistake is avoided is to check any kind of contract with a legal adviser, or at least check with other, more experienced merchants and get their opinion on the matter.
Another mistake quite common when dealing with ecommerce payment processing is the security of the data handled. In order for a payment to be processed, some very sensitive data has to be transferred from one party to the other. When it comes to ecommerce payment processing, this whole transfer has to be done online. This leaves both merchants and customers wide open to a series of risks. This is why it is very important that the ecommerce payment processing company the merchant chooses to work with has to be very strict when it comes to the security it provides. Although no company is completely safe from cyberattacks, there are ways of making sure that the protocols they use are up to the task of keeping your valuable information safe. The mistake of choosing a wrong company can cost a merchant quite dearly. Not only does he faces revenue losses and transaction volume and value shrinkage, he also faces the risk of losing valuable data and even his entire image. This can be avoided by doing a very rigorous research when it comes to the company he chooses to work with.