
In its 200 plus years of existence, the United States of America has seen its fair share of politicians and statesmen. Some were born leaders while others were meant for a different purpose, but ended up behind the Resolute desk in the White House. As any country, it has its best presidents and its worst presidents. Although some names might have been overlooked, there are at least 5 that are generally considered for each category.
The Top 5 Worst Presidents of The USA
Not every person that gets to sit in the Oval Office turns out to be the best choice for the country. Either because of a certain internal or external context or just because they are unfit for the pressure that comes with the job, some presidents have tuned out to be awful at their job. This is why many of the didn’t serve more than one term and why many of their proposed reforms were never really put into effect or were deemed unconstitutional and revoked after they’ve left office.
In the history of the United States there are many candidates for the position of worst president ever. But there are 5 presidents that most agree that they are the worst presidents the country has ever had.
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
The first on this list of worst presidents that America has ever had is Rutherford B. Hayes. He is widely regarded as being the most inefficient president in US history. The 19th president of the USA was elected to office in 1877, after serving in the House of Representatives and the Governor of Ohio. His at the top of this list because, although a very vocal supporter of the reconstruction following the Civil War. He was unwilling to commit Federal Troops to the southern states in order to enforce the new laws and help with the process of truly unifying the country.
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
The 23rd president of the United States has some serious ancestors. He is the grandson of the 9th president, William Henry Harrison, and great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V, one of the founding fathers and signers of the Declaration of Independence. But coming form good stock doesn’t necessarily mean greatness. He makes the list of worst presidents of the USA because of the actions he took regarding economic reform. Among other unpopular measures he reduced the Treasury surplus and replaced tariffs with Federal Bounties for selected, imported crops.
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Herbert Clark Hoover was the 31st president of the United States of America and is one of the main people responsible for the Great Depression that hit not just the US but much of the developed countries around the world. The main reason is the Tariff Act passed in 1930. The bill increased tariffs for all of America’s trading partners which meant that they responded by increasing tariffs as well. This lead to a very dark period in American history that helped Hoover get a spot on this list.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
Although regarded by some as a strong president, that helped his country through World War II, FDR wasn’t really the right person to sit the Oval Office. His New Deal program lead to the closing of numerous banks and to the unemployment numbers rising to a staggering 13 million. Besides the construction of the Hoover Dam, his Federal programs were of no use, failing to create work places and just throwing money to the unemployed. More so, the Supreme Court at that time helped him gain control of the country’s economy. Basically, the entire economy was at that moment in the hands of the Federal Government. Maybe his only redeeming action was the Lend-Lease program that enabled the USA to produce essential products for Britain, without actually taking part in the war. That all changed with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. At that moment the entire industry had the chance to revive itself at is went into full war gear.
Barack Obama (2009-2017)
Closing the worst presidents list is the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama. Although his election was one that promoted hope and the promise of a new American Dream, his administration proved he can’t deliver. The first black president of the United States had two major pieces of legislation: The Dream Act and DACA. Both of them turned out to be inefficient wastes if taxpayer money. That probably why the Supreme Court yore them down and removed them completely from public platforms. Another smudge on the face of the Obama administration was the Benghazi incident. The personnel of the American Embassy there was killed and little efforts were made in order to find and punish those responsible for it. More so, it has been proved that hundreds of billions of dollars were funneled to various Arab organizations, especially to Iran.
The health reform was maybe the final nail in the coffin of the Obama administration. Designed to help those in need, who were unable to pay for basic medical insurance, the entire plan backfired when it created a huge bureaucratic system that couldn’t he sustained and that ate up more resources than it saved. This helped president Obama secure a spot on this worst presidents list.
The 5 Best Presidents That the USA Has Ever Had
The United States of America has seen numerous people run for office, and some of them turned out to be great leaders. From military men to diplomats and all the way to entertainers, some of the best presidents that the country had are all presented in the list below:
George Washington (1779-1797)
The first on the list of best presidents the US has ever had is the father of the nation himself, George Washington. Among many things that makes him the greatest man ever to hold office one can mention the fact that he created said office. George Washington was a true patriot and a republican, even refusing at one point the title of king of the newly created nation. During his presidency he focused on foreign policy and successfully kept America out of the war between France and England.
The first on the list of best presidents the US has ever had is the father of the nation himself, George Washington. Among many things that makes him the greatest man ever to hold office one can mention the fact that he created said office. George Washington was a true patriot and a republican, even refusing at one point the title of king of the newly created nation. During his presidency he focused on foreign policy and successfully kept America out of the war between France and England.
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1864)
The 16th president of the United States is a man who needs no introduction. Abraham Lincoln is maybe one of the most popular presidents the country has ever had and one of the most recognizable figures abroad. He deserves to be on the list of the country’s best presidents for many things that he’s done in his career. Starting as a lawyer he helped his country through the Civil War, a period of great unrest and one of the bleakest in all of its history.
After the war was over, he set out to make sure that the United States will be a beacon of democracy and freedom for other countries all over the world. His most famous document is the Emancipation Proclamation, which guaranteed freedom to every citizen. More so, the Congress than passed the 13th Amendment, as a response to this act, prohibiting slavery and forced servitude, unless used for punishment of a crime.
He then set his sights on building the first transcontinental railway. The project was finalized in 1869 and united the country, enabling coast to coast commerce.
He also strengthened the Republican Party and made it a nation-wide organization. Even today, after 120 years since he molded it into a true party, his ideals and morals still run strong within it and makes the Party be the one that is best aligned with the principals of the Constitution.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
Dwight Eisenhower is probably the best example of a wartime president. And that is because he served in WW2 as Supreme Allied Commander and also as Commander in Chief during the Korean War. He knew what the country needed in order to be strong and he built the Military in such a way that allies felt protected and enemies felt deterred.
But Ike didn’t just have war in his mind. He understood some of the more difficult social aspects the country was facing and set out to solve them. He desegregated the schools in the Southern states and even the military. He also managed to balance the budget and make the citizens feel safer and more optimistic about the future.
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
The 40th president of the United States is one of the most famous Americans from the ’80. Ronald Reagan earned his spot on the list of best presidents because of his efforts to spread democracy and for his efforts of creating the longest period of peacetime prosperity the country has ever known. He is famous for telling Secretary General Michael Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall and for signing the START 1 accords, effectively eliminating two classes of nuclear weapons from both US and USSR arsenals.
Donald J. Trump (2017-2021)
Although already very well known all around the world when he took office, president Donald J. Trump has made a name for himself in politics as well, becoming the 45th president of the United States of America. He’s earned his spot on the best presidents list for his efforts in combating wrongfully implemented reforms, reducing unemployment across all ethnic groups and negotiating better trade agreements with foreign partners.
Although not all of his policies were met with enthusiasm, he has managed to lead the country towards a new period of prosperity and international respect. The Mexico-border wall, that many considered a crazy idea at the time it was proposed, ended up reducing illegal migration and enhancing border control.
The COVID-19 is another crisis President Trump had to deal with during his term. He managed to do so by forming a task force and limiting international travel. Also, thanks to his swift actions and dedicated specialists, several new vaccines have now entered various testing phases, and promise to bring an end to this pandemic.