
If you’re looking to buy a house, either to flip it or to live in it, or if you already own a house, you have asked yourself at least once what should you do about your kitchen cabinets. Should you reface them or should you buy new ones. This is a tricky question for anybody. On one hand cabinet refacing San Diego is cheaper, faster and more convenient. On the other hand, having a custom cabinet San Diego made is what might make your kitchen pop and even make your life easier. Although both are solid options, the best thing you can do is try and figure out what you want to get out of your kitchen cabinets.
How Cabinet Refacing San Diego Is Done?
Cabinet refacing is the option for people looking for something fast and cheap in order to give their kitchen a new look. There are many options when it comes to cabinet refacing San Diego , some people even deciding to do it themselves. Although with the right materials and a couple of tutorials you might get it right, if you want to be on the safe side, better a professional.
The process isn’t exactly rocket science, but it does require a steady hand and a trained eye. Firstly, doors and drawers must come of in order to work on the frames of the cabinets. One of the many good things about cabinet refacing is that you don’t need to take the cabinets down while they are getting refaced.
After the doors and drawers are taken down, and they have been stripped of their hardware, it’s time to choose what kind of veneer and new hardware you would like. This is when you can get really creative. Thanks to today’s technology there are practically endless options to explore and try out. But you better not get too carried away. Try and keep it simple but classy, and always make sure that what you choose matches everything else that is in your kitchen. You don’t want to end up having to change the appliances because of the color scheme.
After all the materials are in, the surfaces are cleaned, degreased and sanded in order to ensure a strong bond between them and the veneer. Now all the cabinet visible frame parts, drawer and door faces are covered up in veneer and the new hardware is installed. After that is just a matter of putting them all back together again. From start to finish, refacing the cabinets in an entire kitchen shouldn’t take more than a week.
How a Custom Cabinet San Diego Gets Done?
Although pretty self-explanatory, a custom cabinet San Diego is what you get when you want your kitchen to be one of a kind. Custom cabinets are big business and can really mess up the entire kitchen design if done wrong. Luckily for the people that don’t want to build their own cabinets, there are specialized companies for it.
First thing anybody interested in a custom cabinet should do is start by looking at the design and layout of their kitchen. If they are starting from scratch they might have more wiggle room, but if they are replacing old cabinets with new ones, they should be careful that the measurements be spot on. After measuring everything and deciding where everything should be placed, it’s time to place the order.
Placing the order for custom made kitchen cabinets is when you get to choose the finishing touches such as the wood, the color finish and the hardware. Because having something custom made can be quite pricey, you don’t want to go overboard with stuff like hinges, unless you can afford to splurge on such things in which case the sky is the limit.
After the cabinets are done, they are shipped and they are installed. Installing is when you truly know if the measurements made were accurate. If and when everything fits into place you can consider yourself the proud owner of a one of a kind kitchen made to your specific taste.
The Differences Between Refacing and Ordering Custom Made
Depending on what each person wants from their kitchen cabinets, they have one of two choices to go with. Obviously, there are some major differences between them, but it’s safe to say that there is no wrong answer.
When ordering a custom cabinet San Diego you can be sure that the finished product will have been made specifically for you. Also, doing a custom cabinet with a good company, means that that cabinet will be made to last. It does cost more than just using old cabinets, but the result is almost always worth it.
Cabinet refacing San Diego is also a good way to go if you’re happy with your cabinets but just want a new look for them. If you feel up to it, and have the proper tools and materials, it can even turn into a fun project to do over the week-end.
The bottom line is that you need your cabinets. And they need you. So do the right thing for you, your kitchen and your house and take care of them, and they will take care of you.