What is a Fume Extractor?
What is a Fume Extractor?
SovPlum Fume Extraction System Smoke and dust produced on various machines and at different sources/locations in any manufacturing industry.

What is a Fume Extractor?

Fume Extractor is a system that removes fumes using a fan and creates particles in the system for the filtration of harmful chemicals and particulate air. Industrial processes produce fumes or particles such as welding, sanding, grinding, spraying, powder filling, and chemical applications. Fume extractors use different filters, while some systems, on an application, use several filter lines. The combination of powerful fans and high-quality filtration or media creates a recirculating air pattern for ductless units. Due to the flow of air, there is no need for ductwork or expensive replacement air. These units take up less space, weigh less, are more energy-efficient, and have easier access to filter replacement.

SovPlum Fume Extraction System Smoke and dust produced on various machines and at different sources/locations in any manufacturing industry. In certain cases, there may not be an economical option available for individual smokers to remove individual smoke. In such cases, a more economical and effective alternative would be to remove the centralized dust/dust with properly designed tubes and hoods.

SovPlym With complete knowledge of dust and dust removal and filtration processes, other air pollution control domains, has provided complete dust and dust removal turnkey projects to its customers. Please contact us for a financial solution to all your dust, fume and air pollution control needs.

Read more Fume extraction system here.