
What Are The Things To Know While Buying A Ballistic Helmet?
Ballistic Helmets are one of the oldest protective elements to keep you safe from various threats along the way. Today, with increased crimes and weaponry-related accidents, threat protection helmets go a long way. Body armors made of ballistic protection armor materials and ballistic helmets are one of the major requirements in the military.
Below are the Important Factors to Look for When Buying a Ballistic Helmet:
1.PADDING OF Ballistic Helmets
The tactical ballistic helmet must have proper padding, suspension, and harness system combined with bulletproof materials to provide a completely integrated protection system. The padding inside of the bulletproof helmet must be comfortable and should provide vital protection and comfort. Padding usually makes the helmet more comfortable and protects against the threat.
Ballistic helmets, part of body armor, must be strictly evaluated and medically researched. In addition, they should have solid coverage so the head would bear minimum impact in any accident.
Body armor should have high resistance properties in their products, especially in the case of ballistic helmets. Therefore, the helmets must be made of materials that offer greater resistance. Though they cannot achieve it to full 100 percent, these bulletproof helmets are categorized in various levels depending on degrees of ammunition.
Ballistic helmets are designed especially for army personnel on ships, tanks, and other law enforcement security cells. Helmets must be tested and experimented with to increase the ballistic level iiia helmet specified by NIJ standards for bulletproof helmets. The helmet, ballistic resistant, protection level NIJ IIIA is a Shell comprising multiple layers of ballistic composite material of lightweight - total helmet weight not to exceed 1.7kg. The edge is finished with a profiled neoprene strip.
3.Withstanding Chemical Capability
Ballistic helmets must be coated with Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) specified to be used in military equipment in sites of aviation, military bases, navy, munitions, and other army combat situations.
Before choosing any tactical helmet, it’s essential to confirm their standards. They should be constructed with every factor in mind, classified as to what their materials can defeat and resist. For example, CARC coated on ballistic helmets can withstand harsh chemicals used in decontamination.
4.Stability of the Ballistic Helmets.
The utmost stability of the helmet arises only when your ballistic helmet fits perfectly on your head. There is no doubt that if your helmet sits too low on your head, the tendency to block your vision increases. If both the vision and stability factors are considered, you should not take chances with ballistic helmets because lowered agility during combat can have dangerous results.
Bulletproof Helmets are lightweight, so they can use them in any tactful situation, used in the military by army personnel and other law enforcement authority. Today, tactical helmets are constructed with a lot of research and rigorously tested through challenging conditions to ensure their quality meets the requirements of army personnel.
Buy one of the proper sizes. Sizing is important for just about every sort of helmet, including tactical helmets. They may not cover much surface area if the ballistic helmets are too thin, so they will not have more protection.
Additionally, suppose the helmets are too small. In that case, they may be so uncomfortable to wear that they are less likely to be worn by the police, which increases the risk of a very dangerous situation. Besides, tactical helmets that are too big are not a good idea either because they might not be safe enough to keep officers protected in case of a threat.