
Extracted from soybean, soybean oil is extensively used forhousehold cooking and in great demand from restaurants as well. This oil has animportant role in the preparation of shortenings and margarine. A number offactors are driving the global soybean oil market; these include theemulsifying ability of the oil and its low-calorie content. Soybean oil has notrans-fat and negligible saturated fat, making it a preferred choice from amongall other oils. The soybean market is anticipated to grow in the years to comeowing to a rise in the demand for food, growing population, improvement inretailing network, rapid urbanization, and increasing soy crop yields.
The reportis a study of the globalsoybean oil market, its present and future position. It discussesfactors that can affect the market movements and changing consumer taste andtrends. The study elaborates on the growth plans and strategies adopted bymanufacturers of soybean oil, including their expansion plans and new product launches.Key companies are profiled in the report and it covers the company’s businessand financial overview.
Soybean Oil Market: Trends and Opportunities
Thegrowing awareness among consumers regarding advantages of soybean oil incomparison to other vegetable edible oils has driven its demand significantly.The health-related concerns among consumers is likely to shift their foodpreferences and this will benefit the global soybean market because this oil isa source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. On the other hand, theavailability of substitutes such as olive, rice bran, palm, sunflower, andrapeseed oil in abundance is limiting the demand for soybean oil.
Theversatility of soybean oil is expected to emerge as an opportunity and attracta large number of manufacturers in the food products sector across the world.Increasing number of channels that facilitate the sales of soybean oil such asdepartmental stores, hypermarkets and supermarket, and convenience stores isalso expected to boost the market in the coming years. Apart from its uses incooking, soybean oil has its applications in lubricants, bio-diesel, industrialpaints, solvents, adhesives, cleaners, oleo chemicals, and bio-composites. Assuch, the demand for this oil will continue to grow and the market will witnessa significant rise in the coming years.
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Soybean Oil Market: Region-wise Outlook
The globalsoybean oil market is segmented on the basis of geography into Asia Pacific,North America, Europe, and the Rest of the World. China, in Asia Pacific is theleading producer of soybean oil followed by India and Japan. The U.S. is theleading producer of this oil in North America. Argentina in South America isalso popular for its soybean oil production.
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Key Players Mentioned in the Report
The reportprofiles key players in the soybean oil industry such as Cargill Foods Inc.,Adani Wilmar Limited, and Ruchi Soya Industries. Information regarding theirstrategic partnerships and mergers and acquisitions have been included in thereport.
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